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Posts posted by babyboo81

  1. Hi I need some advice on a letter I received from Heirtrace in regards to my father. This letter was sent on behalf of Sun life financial of Canada.



    I'll give a brief rundown of the letter:

    I am writing to you on behalf of sun life financial of Canada, who has employed Heirtrace ltd as part of a programme to update the contact details of their customers. Heirtrace provides a specialist service to financial institutions, legal firms and other organisations needing to update their customers records, trace missing policyholders and trace the owners of unclaimed assets.


    Sun life financial of Canada believes that a certain ______ who was born ____ may have a policy with them that was issued by a company that is now owned by sun life financial of Canada.


    I sent them the relevant forms back to confirm that this was my father, but have not heard from them since. This letter was received last year. I have since wrote to them but yet again not received a reply.



    I haven't seen my father for 22yrs and have no idea where he is or if he is still alive. I have spoken to my mother about this and she hasn't a clue as to what this letter could be about.



    I'd just like to know if anyone else has received a letter of this kind and what the outcome was if any. Its very frustrating and when I received the letter I was in shock as I haven't seen my father for so long.

  2. I was asked to work 9am - 4.30pm but due to the lack of childcare in my area I can not commit to these hours as I have to take my children to school myself. After school is fine as I can have them picked up and looked after till 5pm. I suggested 9.30am - 4.30pm so I would only be down half an hour but this was not accepted as I would loose half an hours pay. This is what I can't understand. I am happy to loose half an hour and I can certainly fulfil all or the required work in that time frame.

  3. Hi I wondering if anyone can give me advice on my situation at work.

    I'll start from the beginning.

    My partner and I both work and our work life balance has been fine up until now. I am currently working 10am - 6pm Monday to Friday. My partner was on nights so this worked well for us in regards to childcare arrangements.

    As of this Monday my partner has been put onto days and this has left us stuck with no childcare.

    I went to my boss with my problem and said that I can not get childcare at such short notice and is there any way I could reduce my working hours to 10am - 3pm so I can still take my children to school and collect them. I was told that this would not be possible and is there any way I could work 9am - 4.30pm. I tried my hardest to arrange some childcare but have had no luck!

    I was then told that I would have to go on annual leave and unpaid leave until the 23rd of June, so as to give me time to sort something out. I was not happy with this decision as it took up all my annual leave and I'd be loosing money from my wages.



    I was told that if it wasn't resolved by this date I would have to hand in my notice.

    To my horror today I see my job advertised on the company website. I messaged my boss and said that I was shocked and upset that I had seen this and not been personal informed about it. The reply I got was, basically they need to have someone there that can do the full hours and that I need to get my letter of resignation to them as soon as possible. I replied with, what if I find childcare in the time you gave me but I've had no reply.



    My question is, is there anything I can do about this and are they aloud to advertise my job without telling me or without me handing in my notice?



    This is really stressing me out as I can't afford to not be working and if I'm honest I don't want to leave my job I quite enjoy it!

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