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Posts posted by alzdeejay1

  1. So if I put my reasons in writing I should be fine. An example was last Sunday I specifically said I couldn't work because my old dear was in hospital with meningitis which he knew. He still then continued to badger me until I gave in and said yes .I don't want overtime and I'm quite happy to do my agreed hours.

  2. I have signed nothing since starting there. We agreed on a 48hr week and that was that. I have never signed the working time directive opt out form either. I just want to be sure that when I tell him tomorrow as from Monday all he's getting from me is 48hrs. a week with no overtime he can't then slap me with a zero hour contract because I refuse the extra hours.

  3. Hi guys.

    I have been working for a company 46+ hours a week scince november 2012. Now im about to ask my boss to provide it to me by law because I'm having a few minor issues. When I was interviewed we agreed on full time 8 hours a day monday to friday. I just want to know where I stand before laying out my rights. Can he give me a zero hour contract after all this time of working ??

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