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Posts posted by whyowhy1

  1. Sorry if this is on the wrong forum,


    can i ask, My father in law as just passed away, he as a large amount in his pension, he has been getting monthly payments. My mother in law as got this transferred to herself now but before my father in law passed away he spoke with the pension company and they basically fobbed him off and wouldn't tell him the amount he as or how he can get it or his wife when he dies. he lasted 3 months from getting cancer.

    could my mother in law request a SAR on his behalf now she as access and it in her name now?

    thanks in advance

  2. Thanks for your reply.


    I've looked on my credit file and there's a ccj there.


    I remember I recieved some papers from court but not sure as to what they said and I didn't reply.


    The car was written off the night I gave birth in hospital.


    As I'd just changed insurance to get my ex boyfriend (now) on it so he could drive me home that night


    apparently they had a house party


    someone took keys and took car and smashed it.


    We got insurance out but wouldn't pay out as they wanted my boyfriends phone bill.


    I did take gap out.


    The issue was just left as I was so upset an angry and as I had to give my attention to my newborn.


    Now i will have a look see if I have any letters after work,

    but I've never paid a penny and they haven't chased me for it. I


    t's gone from 8500 to 12grand since 2008.


    I recieved a letter saying blue have sold it to 5rivers ltd now.

  3. Hi peeps,


    I have a little question,


    blue motor finance attached a charging order to my property

    as the car was written off and not paid out by the insurance company and


    I didn't pay the debt as my exs fault (wish I did now) lesson learnt!!


    I have had a letter stating blue motor finance as been sold to another company.


    Will this charging order still stand?


    Also any tips if it does and I offer a full and final to clear an remove it

    do you think I will have any joy?


    Thanks in advance

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