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Posts posted by Alzum

  1. I have been contacted by the CSA who have backdated a claim to 2006 and have told me I owe £22k. I have never ever been un traceable and have told my ex where I am living. I agree I have to contribute towards my children but disagree with he amount they want to take. I work full time and this month came out with £970.by the time all my bills are paid and I already have a CCJ that also came out of my pay I have nothing left CSA say the minimum amount I can be left with is £1100 they don't seem to be taking into account the CCJ does anyone know if this is correct ?


    I can barely pay my bills now and have nothing left, we are existing and nothing else. I have always works all my life and wondering now is it really worth carrying on working.


    I'm pretty much at n all time low. I know some of my debt is down to me and shouldn't have got into this state but when you don't earn much it's easy to do.

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