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Posts posted by bootsoots

  1. Dear Anne Marie from Bright house,


    I have a question I would love to know the answer to.

    It is regarding the charge they said I was going to get.


    Well, they told me if I did not pay that weeks amount by closing time on that Saturday, I would have to pay 80 pounds.

    Which of course to me was pretty extortionate as at the time I was only going to be a couple of days late..


    But the point is,


    if I had paid this 80 pounds "late payment" charge,

    where does that money actually go?


    As far as I know it would not have went towards the items that "I had".


    So where would that 80 pounds have gone?


    ask because I have actually paid this 80 pounds in the past.


    At the time I rushed/panicked to try and get this money.


    my mum and dad live quite far away it took me 2 buses to get there

    and a total of 4 and a bit hours round trip..to get this 80 pounds,


    but today I have been thinking...wow..they are so helpful now

    and not even mentioned this 80 pounds again.


    . then I thought.

    ..hmm I wonder if the staff at bright house just share this money between themselves?


    Actually I know I signed the dotted line etc but from what I have read this charge is actually illegal

    and also illegal for them to take the stuff from your home..


    Today I let them take away the bedroom furniture..

    now all my clothes are in black bags until I can afford to replace these items..


    but at least my weekly out goings are going to be down a bit.

    So that is probably best.


    But with the interest I am paying on the other items which I no longer have is actually insane..


    I found the exact same phone on little woods at £490,

    you can pay it up there interest free,

    yet the same thing with bright house, they are listing the cash price as £837.81,

    which is a lot more than the phone costs anywhere else



    the total you pay for it is actually £1,352.00 for a phone worth £490 pounds. that is actually robbery.


    As I say I know I went in there on my own accord, and I knew in advance they were bad for interest

    but to be honest I was scared to look at the time and just wanted the items

    but today I just looked on the site..and realize how bad/insane it actually is..


    I wish I had the other items or else I would just hand them back and get away that truly is daylight robbery..


    That is soo bad.


    But I wonder happens with the late payment charges?


    Where does that money actually go?

  2. DX100,

    I know what OSC is, optional service cover but I do not know what DLC is?


    Something, something cover?


    I need to find all this out to see if I can bring down my weekly payments at all.


    I do still have the bedroom furniture, I am thinking of handing that back although I have broken the mirror.


    But this means I would have to keep all my clothes in black bags until I was able to get it replaced

    but at least it would bring my weekly outgoings down by 12 pounds..but phew,


    I am not going to prison, I couldn't cope in a place like that for a day.


    I just checked I have paid more than half of my PC now..

    which was the first item I got from them,

    another year more or less and that is that finished with.


    The first lady I spoken to today I told her that I would prefer it went to a debt collector,

    she was very helpful but she did say if it went to a debt collector your interest would just go up and up.


    But I have to say although I know she was VERY helpful,

    I am pretty sure this is utter rubbish,

    the interest would freeze if it went to a debt collector.


    .I suppose I am happy enough with the outcome though.


    After all I did sign up for the stuff.

  3. Anne Marie,

    Funny enough I googled earlier and found that number.


    I was honestly quite concerned but actually I Was quite surprised how helpful they were considering I sold their goods.


    The lady actually eventually transferred me to the store manager at my branch

    and I actually spoken to him..so


    I am going in on Saturday with a payment and the store manager is doing a re write,

    and if I have any problems again I have to talk to him.


    So it all seems ok now.


    I was quite annoyed about this 80 pounds charge and on Saturday when I go into the store

    I am going to find out if I am paying this Optional service cover.


    I have paid about 58 weeks to my first item so I was concerned that rewrite means that the whole thing resets

    and you have to start paying everything again from scratch but I asked it doesn't seem to mean that.

    But I don't seem to have anything to worry about now regarding this.


    I know how insane this will sound,

    I wonder if in the future does this mean I will never be able to get anything from them again

    because I sold the items?


    Because I still want a playstation 4 at one point, but I wouldn't be selling that.


    My problem is I just keep wanting stuff, it is not stuff I really need,

    so I eventually just sold those other items.

  4. Thanks a lot both,

    I was mostly worried about a prison sentence,

    I seriously couldn't cope with that and other people finding that out.


    But yes I have had a look around and discovered that the charges aren't really fines,

    as that is a legal term and they are not a court, they are just a shop.


    They haven't called me yet (bright house) but


    last time I spoken to them, I did tell them I would be in touch on Wednesday..

    .so what I am planning to do is wait and they will probably call me on Thursday and then just tell them,


    the reason why I want to wait until the is because on Wednesday I am having some people at my home (visitors)

    and I would prefer that bright house don;t come near my door until after Wednesday.


    I was going to try and avoid them for 90 days as I read that after 90 days bright house just hand the debt to a debt collector.

    But I realized it is probably best to tell them and say that I will have to pay a reduced amount

    and I realize I can only do that once it has been handed to a debt collector.


    But the problem really is I know in advance that conversation is not going to go well with bright house.


    It is weird as feel mostly bad because I kind of got to know the people there a wee bit, like just chit chat,

    so it is a bit embarrassing, although I know I put myself into this mess. i can't blame anyone else.

  5. Hi there, I specifically searched and joined this to find out information.


    I have done a terrible thing but to me it wasn't a problem until now all because something come up last week

    I had to use my money for something else.


    Well first of all,

    I got 6 items in total from bright house.

    But most of the items I no longer have, as I sold them to get money.


    I know I shouldn't have done it and now deeply regret doing it because,

    something come up last week where I had to use my money on something else.


    Long story short,

    I called them up because I realized that I was going to have difficulties paying this week.

    But sadly, I quickly found out, that they were not helpful at all, or in the least flexible

    when I told them I had problems meeting last weeks payment (yesterday was the deadline),


    although I explained this, they still went on about paying before closing time on Saturday.


    Furthermore, I was also told I am now going to have a fine for about 80 pounds, for paying late

    ...and just to make it even worse, they told me I can not just pay this coming weeks money I would have to pay the fine first.


    Well to be honest there is no chance that is going to happen as I only get 70 pounds this week

    and I need half of it to buy food to survive until next week.


    I suppose the point really is, if it weren't for this over the top late payment fine,

    I Would be able to catch up on the payments I missed by next week and everything would be all back in place again.


    But unfortunately because of this late payment charge and the fact they want that first,

    makes it impossible for me to pay them anything.


    So I know the next step, they will come to my door to retrieve the goods back.


    But like I said I do not have most of them anymore, so what happens now?


    IS it possible I could get prison time for selling the goods?

    Or will I get charged with theft?


    Well the thing is, I am quite disappointed that they were like talking to a brick wall when I told them I could not make payment,

    and then when I explained how I would catch up on the payments they insisted that I would have to pay the fine first..well to be honest,

    this awkwardness makes me not want to pay them another penny anyway.


    It is either my way or the highway in my opinion, they haven't accepted my way, so it is the high way. (of course)


    In saying all this,

    I have to be honest I am quite concerned exactly what is going to happen now as I said I have sold most of the goods,

    I sold them on gum tree and there is absolutely no way of retrieving them or even tracing them.

    So that idea is out.


    Anyone any suggestions?


    has any one any idea what will happen to me now?

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