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Posts posted by benjayh

  1. Will bear that in mind with regards to the defaults. Been going over the statements today, and am I correct in assuming the interest rate is 2.207%? Thats what its saying on all the statements?


    And with regards to Barclays Partner Finance, they didn't include anything pertaining to that on any of the info, but its all there on my bank statements. Do I send the claim form (seperate ones obviously) to the same place? Just seems odd there isn't any statements for it.

  2. SAR received today.


    Seems to be all there.


    Well, I certainly wasn't expecting so much paper. Haha!


    Whats my next plan of attack?


    I assume, going through it all, and counting up all the charges, etc.


    But what kinds of charges am I looking for?,


    and also,


    I assume theres just no point even trying to claim bank charges anymore,

    so i'll just go for BPF, and Barclaycard.


    Oh, and do I add interest, or just ask for the charges back for now?


    This is getting exciting!

  3. Much appreciated for that, i'm definitely not gonna let this go, and i'll take it as far as necessary. I'll get it all drafted, printed and sent tomorrow morning.


    When the time comes, and I get the information I requested, would it be alright to scan it, and post it up here, so someone can give me some pointers on what I can and can't claim back? I've read through the wiki, but some things seem a little complex.


    What do you mean by shifty by the way? As in, not including some things? What should I be looking out for?


    With regards to the defaults, whats the best course of action in getting them gotten rid of? Make it a term when I stake a claim?

  4. Firstly, cheers for the response!

    I was naive, and only really thought about it after it was all paid. But, now after realising whats gone on, I intend to go on the warpath. So, if i send the SAR request to Barclays, and include the 3 accounts info, BPF, the bank itself, and Barclaycard i'll get all the required info to start staking a claim?


    Thats gonna be my first port of call, so i'll do that, see what response I get, and reply back here.


    Oh, and what address does it need to go to? As I saw a few different ones?


    With regards to the payment reversal, I can definitely reverse it as it was paid on a CC, so will look into that!


    I'm just gonna go after the Barclays related ones for now, and see what success (if any) I have.

  5. First of all,

    it's great to be a part of this community, and its brilliant to see the help and advice given,

    so I appreciate any advice you give.

    Apologies if some of its not in the right place,

    so feel free to move it, or advise me to make a separate thread.


    First off, a bit of back story.


    I'm a 22 year old student, who managed to rack up £5k+ of debt since 2011, and have been struggling like hell to pay them off.


    Finally, yesterday (28/02/14) a family member paid them all off in their entirety.


    A breakdown is shown below, also with a copy of my Noddle credit report dated just before they were all paid.


    As you will be able to see,

    I defaulted on the Capital One debt, and also on the Barclays Partner Finance.


    However, with the charges and god only knows what else they were adding,

    there was no hope for me to pay them, and unfortunately I defaulted on them both.


    My question to you all, is,


    is there any possible way of getting those 2 defaults removed from my credit report?

    If so, I would appreciate some pointers, and


    secondly, is there any way to claim back any of the charges I had to pay?

    If so, how is it calculated and does it include interest, etc?


    I don't have any of my statements for any of them (although I have letters with the account numbers, etc),

    so how would I go about getting them, and the other necessary information to arm myself appropriately?


    Up until the day it was paid, I never acknowledged any of the debt,

    but surely paying it is acknowledgment enough?

    I don't know the legal ins and outs, hence why i'm here!


    And what are my first steps (if any) I need to be taking?

    Much appreciated in advance, and hope this is enough information!


    Shown here is the amounts I paid when clearing all the accounts:


    Barclays Overdraft - £1560.99 (limit 1420)

    Barclays Partner Finance (this was for a Macbook, if relevant?) - £929.96 + £283.52 to a DCA (bad I know) (total amount 1600ish)

    Barclaycard - £1677.20 (limit 1200)

    Capital One - £663.35 (limit 500)

    EE (formally Orange) - £666.37 (however, this was a balance paid to Moorcroft,

    I have since cancelled with Orange, so is it best to leave this one?)


    Obviously I would have been charged to holy hell on the Overdraft, Barclaycard, Partner Finance, and Capital One,


    so i'm looking at attempting to get some of it back, and ideally the 2 defaults removed.


    So again, what advice do you give, and what first steps should I be taking?




    EDIT: 16:05 28/02

    - I've just been reading through the Wiki, and assume i'm gonna have to send off an SAR,


    my question is, with regards to the 3 Barclays related ones,


    do I have to enclose a seperate request for each thing with the £10 fee for all 3,

    or just one letter with all 3 accounts and £10? And what address should it go to?

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