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Posts posted by desperatelee

  1. DS did comment on the level of charges on my account also I really want to know the legal costs the spo cost and enforcing it and eviction notice cost . Is there a sticky someone can point me in the right direction please.


    Also ell did ask the ds about legal fees he said it is set amounts and don't try it. Also there solicitor did turn up.


    Lea I didn't got steel got a lady she was quite nice. It really wasn't how I read about. They used a proper court with the judge sitting high up and benches was quite scary.

  2. Another date. C@g phoned today and said their solicitors received court papers. They said rhey accept my proposals cancelled eviction proceedings and solicitirs will not be attending court tomorrow. Very relieved. I will still be attending but thank you to everyone who helped lea and ell-enn for your invaluable help. I owe you so much . I will attend tomorrow and update. I feel so relieved. X

  3. Leah I can camp outside the court 24/7 if need be. I will go tomorrow and see what I can do .do I just say I need to see a duty solicitor is one available ? I know what you mean about the jewellery but I also know /knew my mum very well and when I passed away and if I lost my house she would beat me with a stick for not using it at the pearly gates, and also have daughters permission as well.




    Leah if at all possible can you clarify the six years process.


    If I received the enforcement of the posssesion order court papers from wilsden and the court papers have tlc solicitors signing after the 6 year period had passed as in applicants date on the court form is after 6 years is that in a legal /court way after 6 years.


    Do you understand what I am saying I am not saying it very well.


    last question if the arrears are paid in full before thursday can they still claim possession ?


    Thank you.

  4. If I paid all the arrears would the eviction be cancelled. My mum when she passed left all her jewellery and her mums jewellery to my daughter it is worth a lot. I know I wont get the best price but it will clear it I am sure. I don't want to do it if i will loose my house anyway prefer her to have some memories. I just do no what to do I can pay going forward easily . Ahhh god still can't get hold of bailif in charge. What do I do I just don't know.

  5. Just a quick update.


    Went to wielsden to file my n244 on friday and they wouldn't accept it as they have an appointment only policy.


    Earliest one available was 11 am this morning. I arrived and spoke to a lady and she said this may be difficult it is less than 3 working days away.


    explained I had a hand delivered eviction notice that was delivered last Saturday and I was away until friday.


    she asked to me wait for 30 mins and she would speak to a judge and see if I would be granted a hearing.i honestly thought I was going to have a heartaattack there and then I couldn't breathe.


    She came back and said you have been granted a hearing at 10 am Thursday. The eviction is 8.45 am .

    I asked what happens with the bailifs she said 8.45 am one is cancelled but it could still happen on that day depending how busy they are.


    I have this picture in my head of them parked up outside waiting for outcome.


    so no duty solicitor on Thursday case on day of eviction and I am so so scared. I have made no arrangements of moving or anything. The lady was sympathetic she said it may not come to that and smiled and not stress my self.


    So any advice would be good.


    Also if any you help on any other threads re wilsden in the future you need to advise that you need to make an appointment for emergency form .


    just in limbo really. Suppose I should at least prepare for the worst.

  6. Statement


    we are the defendants in this case and respectfully ask the court to consider the following information when considering the above case.


    The arrears arose due to financial difficulties mr has had since starting his own cleaning and maintenance business since being made redundant in December 2010.


    In September 2013 mr dropped a fire extinguisher on his foot which ment he couldn't drive for over 3 weeks and this caused a loss of income as I had to pay to get my work covered and for people to drive cleaners to contracts.


    Also at this time he was awarded the contract for 13 bairstow eves estate agents and the initial cost of equipping these with hoovers took a lot of my cash flow.


    I missed 3 consequitve payments on the trot and paid sept, oct, november and december a total of 3k in december.


    I also have January's and febuarys payment ready to make but when I spoke to c&g last time they wanted full payment of arrears only.


    However I am now back working I have picked up a lot of new contracts and have a good staff base.


    my cash flow is so much better. I have reduced my payment terms from 30 days to 14 days. Which has improved things immensely.


    My bank has offered me a overdraft should I ever need it to cover the costs of supplying new contracts etc. So my cash flow is fine now and managed much better. I also pay my cleaners monthly rather than every week.


    I can offer £220.00 a month off the arrears on top of my normal payment of £484.61.please see attached budget sheet.Appendix 1.


    My wife is an employee of ..... and we would set up a direct debit on the day she gets paid to cover the mortgage and this will guarantee there will be no missed or late payments again.


    ell-enn I will then finish off with norgan case as per your link.


    sorry it is long.

  7. Leah I wasn't trying to rush anyone I appreciate everyone has jobs and commitments and I thank you for taking the time to reply. Wilesden is right sorry. I will draft a statement on here very late tonight once I get to a lap top. And hopefully someone can take a gander if they have a chance. I have never had an eviction notice before nor been to court. I will ask when I hand in forms tomorrow about duty solicitor. Am I likely to get a hearing before next Thursday .


    once again thank you all for taking the time to offer asistance.




    Once again thank

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