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Posts posted by Cwendyn

  1. Why oh why did I decide to take the mobile service with Utility Warehouse?

    My Samsung4 broke after 2 months and a five month saga began of unsent couriers, charging me for the courier, sending my phone back still broken and to cap it all, chairing me £402 for a loan phone that they said hadn't been returned even though it had been picked up by a courier.


    I called UW that said yes, they had received phone and to tear up the letter. Hey presto, £402 appears on my bill. After calling and writing, I receive a call to say after so many issues, I would receive a substantial goodwill gesture. Email arrives, yes, you guessed it, the goodwill gesture was the £402 I didn't owe them anyway. I email them that's just hilarious and farcical. Bill arrived and what's on it, £402. Sitting there proudly. No goodwill gesture, no, just an attempt to steal from me. I have contacted my bank and told them to stop any payments to UW and also block any attempt from them to take money from my debit card (as they will!).


    Without the £402, UW owes me a substantial amount of money that we are going around in circles about. Their customer service is hopeless and don't believe for one minute that your distributor can help, they can't.


    I'm going to apply for the PAC code, gt a phone elsewhere and tell UW to sue me for the money. I'm trying to run a business and they have wasted far too much of my time. If anyone has any other suggestions, I would love to hear them!

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