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Posts posted by Textile_Man

  1. I run a limited company which has a loan with HSBC for 25k or so. I and my father both gave personal guarantees. The company ran into problems with stock value collapsing and became insolvent in 2011. However, as there were no assets (now a service company), rather than throw in the towel I decided to continue as we were still making profits and still are today. I have not drawn a wage since as I have other businesses and all profit has gone into paying down creditors. A lot has been re-paid and I am now left with the bank loan on which we have never missed a payment, a small debt to our previous landlords (we now work from home) and a huge bill from our previous accountants. We have not spoken to them or paid them anything for 2 years and now they are demanding the money. The bulk of the debt we owe them was for the setting up and managing of an accounts package which never worked properly. The reason we needed it was because HSBC were asking for management accounts which we didn't have and our accountant advised this software for which he was an agent.


    Long story short, we put in many, many hours and so did they although I later found out that the person inputting data at their end was doing it very badly, had not set up any defaults which would have saved loads of time and I also suspect that she was his receptionist, doing it while greeting clients etc. For her work we were charged accountants rates. After 2 years of this we still didn't have any accounts or anything meaningful. We then found out that he had sold our book to another firm of accountants, assuring us they used the same software. So off we go to them, only to be told that all the data that we have spent months putting in was a waste of time and they had started from scratch, leaving us with a far bigger bill. Still no management accounts for HSBC who by now had withdrawn our overdraft and charge card, not that I blame them for that to be honest. So, I consider this 'accountant' has ripped us off and now wants the thick end of £19k within 2 weeks.


    So, my first instinct is to stop trading. I will make good the debt to my old landlords later from personal money as they were very fair to us. My real question is, what will HSBC do?


    I assume they will call on the PG of myself and my father. My preferred outcome is that they simply transfer the loan to a personal loan and I will keep paying it until it's done. The obstacles in front of this are the fact that my personal credit file got trashed when the company was struggling as I foolishly propped it up with credit cards and then got rate jacked as well as losing part of my income so I had to default (now in debt management plan and paying back). My second option is to liquidate an asset I have to pay it in full. For one reason or another I cannot do this immediately and it's likely any funds will take at least 12 months to appear. Will they let me have that time?


    What I don't want them to do is to go after my Father. He has savings but is elderly and really doesn't need the worry as mum is not well either. In retrospect I should never have asked him to sign it, my biggest mistake. I will take full responsibility for what has happened and pay back what is owed but need a little time.


    I suppose my question is, from the point I tell them we have ceased trading, how long will they give me, will they accept my request to not go after dad and how reasonable are they generally?

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