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Posts posted by iniesta88

  1. Not concerned about the images in regards to my state as i was sober and coherent, just worried how they look in terms of coming back so late at night. After all work only need to have a sufficient amount of evidence against me that i was drunk at work and this just adds to it.


    Also the other person who I was out with that night is not being investigated and is back in work as normal, even though we drank the same amounts and started work at the same time. Is this fair?

  2. I am currently suspended from my place of working facing allegations of being drunk whilst at work.


    My employers suspects this as I made a telephone call to the health and safety department 40 mins before I was actually due to start work. It was recorded.


    The call involved a lot of mumbling and a conversation asking for permission to work, there was no slurring or shouting or any abuse to the person on the other end.


    As far as I am concerned I was in bed asleep at the time and do not remember making the call, I have had previous episodes of sleeptalking/walking and phoned friends before.


    This is entirely what the allegation was based on. The events leading up to this were as follows: I had 4 pints of lager the previous evening and had a late night due to meeting a friend in town, and came back to the hotel late and was accompanied by a work colleague. He has provided a statement stating i was not drunk that night or in the morning once work started at 8.30 am. I also have a statement from the friend i was out with, that I was sober and not drinking alcoholic drinks in town.


    My employer has contacted the hotel and requested CCTV footage to check our whereabouts and what state we were in, are they legally allowed to request this and use this against us?


    It also states in the employment handbook, that the rules on drinking at work are not intended for a "one off instance".


    Could anyone please advise on my options and whether or not my employer has a case for dismissal?



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