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Posts posted by caspa82

  1. Hi


    My son has to attend ingeus appointments he failed to show up at his last one and now has a sanction against him, The last one he attended was the 13 of december and was told in that interview that she would be busy until after the xmas period.


    My son was calm at this as christmas is a hard time for him bein an anxiety and depression sufferer we go to the interview via a taxi arranged by ingeus and a private room with his mum.


    we record convos and have not signed anything in ingeus to pass on data etc.


    The appointments was usually once every 6 weeks but now the advisor the last time he was there booked the next one on the 18th on December 7 days later! yet she explained how busy she was with 200 clients a week on a 3 day shift and said it won't be after christmas! my son was panicking as he's got to then do a spec letter and build himself up to go again so soon, he could not even leave the house that day with panic but the advisor was having non of it and sanctioned him straight away as it was not a valid reason for being worked up ever xmas and not being well to come.


    We filled out a reasons letter explaining all this that he's struggling getting out the house and can't cope and he's been issued diazepam by his doctor to help but still the job centre gave him the sanction!


    So today we called ingeus to get another appointment and will try to get him to the next, they have changed his advisor for the 3rd time! My son gets to know someone there and they change again its all very stressful.


    What would be the best advise in dealing with this sanction? I really don't think its fair!


    They said they would not make him apply for any jobs nor would he have to seek work but them doing a CV out of what he used to by like by using his past experience in work (how he felt back then) and sending him home to do a spec letter surely is actively seeking a job?


    I am sick of these bully tactics the last advisor he had on the 13th december let him into a false sense of security saying she understands, she's currently on anti depressants, been homeless has post traumatic stress and was left after domestic violence bring up a kid on her own!


    Is that really appropriate for someone advising my son on his mental health and supporting him?


    I find all this disgusting and would like any additional help to get this sanction lifted I am so worried for my soon its left him in tears!

  2. Hi


    My son has to attend ingeus appointments he failed to show up at his last one and now has a sanction against him, The last one he attended was the 13 of december and was told in that interview that she would be busy until after the xmas period.


    My son was calm at this as christmas is a hard time for him bein an anxiety and depression sufferer we go to the interview via a taxi arranged by ingeus and a private room with his mum.


    we record convos and have not signed anything in ingeus to pass on data etc.


    The appointments was usually once every 6 weeks but now the advisor the last time he was there booked the next one on the 18th on December 7 days later! yet she explained how busy she was with 200 clients a week on a 3 day shift and said it won't be after christmas! my son was panicking as he's got to then do a spec letter and build himself up to go again so soon, he could not even leave the house that day with panic but the advisor was having non of it and sanctioned him straight away as it was not a valid reason for being worked up ever xmas and not being well to come.


    We filled out a reasons letter explaining all this that he's struggling getting out the house and can't cope and he's been issued diazepam by his doctor to help but still the job centre gave him the sanction!


    So today we called ingeus to get another appointment and will try to get him to the next, they have changed his advisor for the 3rd time! My son gets to know someone there and they change again its all very stressful.


    What would be the best advise in dealing with this sanction? I really don't think its fair!


    They said they would not make him apply for any jobs nor would he have to seek work but them doing a CV out of what he used to by like by using his past experience in work (how he felt back then) and sending him home to do a spec letter surely is actively seeking a job?


    I am sick of these bully tactics the last advisor he had on the 13th december let him into a false sense of security saying she understands, she's currently on anti depressants, been homeless has post traumatic stress and was left after domestic violence bring up a kid on her own!


    Is that really appropriate for someone advising my son on his mental health and supporting him?


    I find all this disgusting and would like any additional help to get this sanction lifted I am so worried for my soon its left him in tears!

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