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Posts posted by burdock

  1. Great news! Just been sent an offer to settle for the full amount!


    A couple of quick questions - very grateful for any help!


    1) In the offer letter, there is a line that says, 'by accepting this offer you also agree that that the existence and the terms of this offer remain confidential between us'. From what I have read on other threads, am I right in thinking I should cross this out? Or do I have to write another letter back?


    2) The letter doesn't state when payment will be made, but does state that I should inform the court that I have discontinued my claim. I think the letter is implying that payment will be made once I have informed the court. Do I need to make it clear in the offer letter that I will inform the court *after* receiving payment- if so, how should I state this?


    3) Many, many thanks for all of you who have helped me in this thread. It is much appreciated!:D I shall be making a donation to the site.


    Thankyou all again!! :)


    p.s. If anybody is wants to know what happened between my previous post and the offer of settlement:

    a) Krysta never replied

    b) I sent the letter to the court asking them to strike the bank's defence out

    c) The court never replied - I chased and they said they would reply to me this week

    d) Whilst waiting for the above, I contacted Dino in the litigation department on the off chance that he could help me. He told me was dealing with my case, and would look into my claim. The offer turned up a couple of days later. What a star!

  2. I have just left a voicemail for Krysta, and emailed her on the lines that the judge said in his order that if Barclays didn't reply to my statement of evidence / schedule of charges within 28 days of me sending them, that the defence would be struck out with no further orders. I've pointed this out to Krysta and asked if she would like to settle before I ask the judge to strike their defence out (their response is now overdue).


    I will give her a few days to respond before contacting the court?!

  3. Hi everyone,


    I have been reading the site for a long time, and absorbing lots of useful info. I think it's about time I added my details, and if I may be so bold, ask a couple of questions :)


    I have a court date for 20th August against Barclays.


    I received notification of the date on 4th May, and was asked to send a schedule of payments, and 'statement of evidence' to the bank and court within 28 days. I did this almost immediately, using GaryH's excellent 'statement of evidence' here:



    I also sent most of the 'Basic Court Bundle' from this site.


    My question is, can I take different or extra documents into court with me? (i.e. can you amend your court bundle). I am wondering if I need to amend anything I have written so far, in case Barclays trying to pass the penalties off as 'service charges', viz a viz the Lloyds victory recently. Also, some people are now talking about including their 'terms and conditions'?!


    Many thanks for any replies and help!


  4. Hi,


    My county court asked me to send them a 'statement of evidence' and 'schedule of charges' within 28 days. My court date is not until August though. I posted these documents, based on useful information from this site, a couple of weeks ago.


    My question is, can I take additional documents or evidence to the court in August- specifially details to counter the assertion yesterday that penalty charges are service charges (Berwick v Lloyds), or does every scrap of evidence I rely on have to be included in the initial bundle that has already been posted?


    Many thanks for any help!


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