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Posts posted by Namaste

  1. Hello everyone,


    First of all I wouldn't be making such a thread if I wasn't in such eager need of advice ( the people in charge are incredibly vague ). Myself and partner (with 10 month old baby & dog) are in a very stressful situation. Essentially we're being booted out of my grandparents house because it's not "sustainable" for them and we both feel it's the next step which is needed. I have just left the Ingeus program and currently self employed (My online comic store will be open next month) and business' take time to build and be self-sustainable.


    I haven't the slightest incline what we're entitled too because when we ask, we're just fobbed off with excuses that we are not entitled to them. I'm here to ask what as a family are we entitled to in terms of additional benefits to support my family whilst my business starts to take off and how I can sort out my living arrangements immediately. We have seen various houses on RightMove that accept Pets and something that's called DSS which one of the people at Job Seekers explained I was entitled too? I would love some explanation about it because the information scattered around .gov websites isn't that useful.


    We have around ~2 months to be gone and the stress alone is causing myself deep emotional problems so I can only imagine what it's doing to my partner.


    To sum it up, I'm asking for advice on what I should do next to acquire somewhere to live and have enough supporting money to provide for my family. Currently I get the following if it's any help.


    Working Tax: £95.50

    Child Tax: £62.50

    Child Benefit: £20


    This is weekly (every Tuesday).


    I would appreciate any advice, thank you very much.


    Warm regards.

  2. Hi Biggeorge - I've been with the WP for a year, but my business venture is a very fresh idea. He implied that because I've been there for so long I'm becoming of a pest to Ingeus, which is why I'm very uncomfortable going to the building now.


    I've just filled in an enquiry form at the Princes Trust, hopefully something does come of that.


    Yes Jasta11, it is very frustrating - I have incredible passion for what I'm wanting to do and being hindered by these road blocks makes it difficult, especially with a family. Thank you for your kind words.

  3. I incredibly appreciate your support people.


    My worry is that even if I did attempt this on the QT and tell them I was not interested in self employment right now - he would just fly off the handle at me, I don't like confrontation as it is and they can be very intimidating throwing the word sanction around when I have a daughter/wife to look after. Then I'll be thrown onto these mindless courses to consume my time from their perspective - which I simply don't have the time and money for when I'm incredibly passionate about my business working.


    I know the self employment idea of mine can work, I've seen it and don't a tremendous amount of primary research to know it can work with the right know-how, SEO and good marketing. Ingeus fail to recognize my current position I'm in regarding funds, it's almost like said adviser things I have tons of money to just throw at this idea. He doesn't realize the costs for website hosting, packaging supplies, comic sleeves, comic order costs the list is endless. I can see it in his eyes that all he wants is that bonus, which disheartens me a lot.


    I have a friend who is an accountant, and he's explained the basics in what the Tax man looks for and how to keep books - so I'm good at that part. It's the funding and none-understanding from Ingeus that's the ultimate problem because I'm in fear of him sanctioning me when I'm trying my best.


    I'm 24, so I don't know whether the Prince's Trust applies to me - I wouldn't even need that much to get me off the ground;

  4. I registered just to post in this topic.


    I'm currently attempting to open my very own business (turning a hobby into self employment - selling comics) and it was Ingeus who gave me the inspiration to do this.


    It's quite a task to set up your own business, especially if it's e-commerce which I think my adviser fails to understand. He's pressuring me right now with this statement.


    "You need to put in the first order of comics and go self employed, because your adviser is going to change soon and you'll have to start attending group sessions"


    This is just barbaric. I have a 6 month old daughter and wife to cater for and I'm on JSA. I'm an ex-senior web designer & video game designer. The reason for this is, is that the first issue of Comics has to be £300 and I get approximately £225 every two weeks from JSA. I'm under incredible strain from Ingeus pushing me into self employment when I have yet to test the waters with selling comics as a business (surely a trial basis is allowed?) and I worry going into self employment at the chance of it not making money I won't be able to provide for my daughter/wife's needs, I'm not bothered about mine.


    So what I have been doing for the last 4-5 months is taking bits out of the money and buy the odd start up material and saving bits together for that initial £300 order (required by my comic wholesaler). My adviser wants to have a 'serious' talk this Thursday with me regarding everything so what I've opted to do is write up all my needs and current situations with everything (Need new passport for business account, which is also required etc) and then what could he possibly say?


    My worry is these 'group sessions', I've been in one before - they're awful and I know pretty much everything they're about to tell me - I'm not an idiot and neither are the people in the rooms so I feel it would be nothing but a time waste and money drain (taxi fair) on my part which ultimately effects the self employment.


    It's this constant nagging and not understanding from my adviser that bothers me I'm incredibly depressed and it's effecting my health with it. I was wondering what peoples thoughts are on my I guess 'problematic adviser'.



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