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Posts posted by naiijaman

  1. I got the terrible news on Tuesday that my brothers house has been repossesed. :-(:???:

    It is a long story but i will try to keep it short.

    He had moved out of london due to work and rented out the property. He then had problems with his tenant and fell into arrears which he came to and agreement with the Lender (GE Money) to pay back.

    Months later he had some money issues and defaulted again. During this period he had already put the property on the market and an apparent cash buyer was interested.

    His hope was that he would get to sell the property and pay all the arrears and use the balance to buy another in the area he now lives.

    unfortunately due to bad advice from the lawyer, who kept saying an exchange was imminent and that he should not worry he did not respond to the letter from the Lender and the house was repossesed on Tuesday.

    Is there any possible way he can get his house back?

    The warrant for the repossession was not sent to him at his current address. Can he use this as a reason for the court to set aside the order?

    Someone Please please help...


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