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Posts posted by frugal-mum

  1. I just wanted to share with you what I hope is good news.


    One of my sons was being pursued by Lowells for a debt that was nearly nine years old and for over £7000


    .He had ignored the letters as he knew the debt was statute barred but was served with a county court summons.


    Using the advice given on this forum I put together a defence based on the fact the debt was statute barred


    . It continued through the court process up till the notice of allocation to small claims track.


    He then heard nothing as to whether they had paid a hearing fee for a date set later this month.


    Today he received a letter from Lowell's solicitor Bryan Carter serving him with a Notice of Discontinuance.


    I am still distrustful as to whether this is genuine but intend to visit the county court to verify this as I would hate to think this was a trick by the solicitors to stop my son attending the hearing and them getting judgement by default.


    I really hope that this is an end to it .

  2. Just a quick update. Tenant has now moved out and we have the keys back. Housing benefit have since contacted me asking for repayment of one weeks worth of housing benefit. This was for the week when she was in the process of moving out and I assume had put in a claim for housing benefit at her new address. Will the council be able to recover this payment from me or should they be deducting this from her ongoing housing benefit payments? She would not give me her forwarding address but it is within the same local authority area.

  3. I have a tenant who is getting behind with the rent. She was on a six month AST which expired. According to the tenancy agreement (RLA standard form) at the end of the fixed period the tenancy becomes a monthly contractual tenancy. In the tenancy agreement I ticked the box for rent to be paid every four weeks as she was on housing benefit and it seemed to be easier as it fitted in with the housing benefit payments cycle.



    For three years all went well as she was getting full housing benefit which the council paid to me directly. The tenant then found a job but it was on a zero hours contract so her earnings were different every week. It was then that her share of the rent started to get behind and the arrears are increasing.



    I have decided to serve notice under section 21 but I am confused as to what date I should put for the expiry of the notice as rent is paid every four weeks but the tenancy agreement states that it is now a monthly contractual tenancy. I have read online about giving notice under section 21 but it all seems as clear as mud - do I work on a four weekly period as stated when the agreemment was signed or is it a monthly period as stated in the agreement as these dates do not coincide? If I put the wrong date in the notice will be invalid so it is important that I get this correct.

  4. I have recently discovered that the clock on my economy 7 electricity meter is seven hours slow. I use my high power useage appliances like washing machine and tumble dryer at night to take advantage of cheap rate power charges. I now discover that all that use is being charged at peak rates.



    I have no idea how long this has been happening for but the meter was installed in 2008. I have recently changed supplier and I have asked them to come and check the meter. They cannot come and look till the end of May. I also have an outstanding balance with my old supplier that i have been paying off. If the check confirms what i have found what can I do about the overcharging that may have been happening for years?



    My current supplier says they I can query it with them when the meter check has been done. I have raised a dispute with my old supplier but surprise surprise they arent being very helpful. They say my current supplier must supply them with amended readings if it is found the meter is faulty. It all seems very complicated!

  5. Having read around this fantastic site I feel I know much more now. It seems to me if the so called debt had any merit the builder would have gone to a lawyer to take court action and not to a DCA.



    I do think we should complain about the way this has been dealt with - will speak to my son when he gets home this weekend. Could you please tell me how I should do this? As you have said the more complaints that are made the greater chance somthing will be done to stop these bullies!

  6. Hi we live in a rural area and have done so for nearly 20 years. The local farmer is carrying out some type of construction work and has been moving huge quantities of earth from his farm in giant skip trailers for the last week, there have been dozens of them every day.



    Living in a rural area we are used to a bit of muck and mud on the roads but this has been beyond belief. The raod was thick with about 4 inches of wet and sticky mud and is very dangerous. My car looks like I have been rally driving there is a thick coating of mud on my car - I cant even see the numberplate!



    He has been over the road with some type of rotating sweeper brush but all that has done is move the mud onto the grass verge. He even reversed his tractor up to my hedge to sweep the mud off the road My hedge is plastered with mud. I cried as it looks terrible. I did take some pictures as it was so bad.



    Since then it has now rained and the mud is being washed back on to the road. I dont know what to do as its a small community and I dont want to cause trouble. I know farmers have a hard job but it really is terrible.

  7. Hi you are quite right my son is quite verbally able but the fact that he doesn't understand the subtlety of language is my biggest worry. I have asked that the assessment is recorded and they have agreed to this but all this was done verbally so I might just send a quick letter sent recorded delivery to confirm this.



    I had hoped that with me being his appointee that would make a difference as the DWP did visit my son before they made that decision. I hope I will be able to ask the person doing the assesment if they have any knowledge of Autism because although I understand they do the assessment based on the "descriptors" the fact that my son will struggle to answer the questions accurately due to his autism is in my opinion very relevant. I will of course be there to help and support him but it might seem strange if he says yes to a particular question and I then say no that's not the case!



    My son is now getting very anxious about the whole thing and his behaviour is deteriorating and he is probably asking me 100 times a day what is going to happen. I try to reassure him as best I can. In some ways I'm glad its before Christmas as now we would just like to get it over and done with.

  8. Hi there sorry i've not been able to post before now I've not been feeling well.



    To respond to the comment about the materials being "stolen" my son agreed with the builder that the materials would be booked out on his account and deducted from the price of the job. The builder owed my son more than the cost of the materials.



    Things went wrong when the builder wanted my son to do lots of extra work for no cost, he constantly messed my son around by asking him to come on certain days and they told him they were not ready for him therefore my son lost a days pay. This happened on several occasions and my son fell out with him and walked off the job.



    The builder probably owes my son well over £1000 for all the additional work over and above the work he priced for and if lost days are taken into account even more so I've no doubt if it does go to court my son will counterclaim.



    I find it shocking that the company treat "debtors" as prey - the tone of their letters and the frequency always seem to make you think that unless you reply immediately something bad is going to happen. I dont know how we would have dealt with this is we hadn't had the help and support of you guys!





    If it does go to court my son will have to defend it and will counterclaim for the additional work. Will update as soon as I hear anything.

  9. Hi I tried to get through on the helpline but no-one could fake my call and its difficult for me to be on hold for too long due to looking after my son but I have emailed them and I'm waiting for a reply.



    The more information I can get the better.

  10. Hi my husband works in the building trade and he says there is no way your bills should be so high if your use is so minimal. I see someone has suggested it could be a shared service sup;plying more than one house but have you also considered the possibility of a leak on your water supply.



    I have no idea how old your property is and what kind of pipework supplies your house but many older properties are still on old lead services and these do leak due to age and deterioration of the pipe. I think you can ask the water company to check for leaks but if it on your side of the supply you are responsible.

  11. Hi one of my sons has autism and is on the highest level of dla for care due to him being a danger to himself and others. He went on to ESA in August as his training came to and end.



    He has now been sent a date for a medical assessment which is next week. We only received the appointment last week (4.12.13)



    Having done some reading around I am becoming more and more worried as my son struggles with the language and can often misunderstand the questions. I will of course be there to help him ( I am his appointee) but I cnaanot help but feel he will be tricked into giving answers that are not factually correct.



    I have phoned Atos and asked for the assessment to be recorded but the person I spoke to had to email another department as they dont know if recording equipment is available at that site. I have also spoke to Welfare rights at my council and they say if its recorded they ususally have a doctor doing the assessment.



    As my son is a vunerabe adult can I insist on the assessment being recordrd and if so can I ask for a copy?



    Any help or advice on the whole issue would be appreciated as my son is becoming very anxious and aggitated about the assessment.

  12. I have spoken to my mother in law and she is going to sort out all her bills and payment receipts. I will have a look at them and see where things are with regards to payments make and any debit or ceadit on the elec and gas accounts. She uses payment cards paid to the post office and part of the problem is she gets confused as to whether she is paying gas or electricity as the cards are almost identical.



    She is up to date with the agreement she made with them but the reality is although she owes on her gas she have make a huge overpayment on her electricity so Ineed to sort it for her as soon as possible.



    Will post an updateas and when I hear anything.

  13. My son has now received a letter asking for an explanation and evidence of why he disputes the claim. They say if its not fortcoming before proceedings are issued the court will order further costs against him. What does he have to sully and in how mucjh detail and is it correct about them ordering costs?



    They say their client has given the go ahed for litigatoin and that first they must comply with the Pre Action Protocol and that this has been complied with fully in relation to this final correspondence.



    I'm not sure what this means and any advice would be much appreciated. My son is working away much of the time so trying to talk to him about things has been difficult.

  14. Hi my mother in law is in her late 70's and has poor health including serious heart problems.


    British gas keep ringing her as they say she is in debt with her gas bill - she owes them about £250.


    They are insisting that she pay £85 every two weeks and it must be on a friday or she is classes as breaking the agreement -



    They even threatened to fit a card meter even though she has limited mobility and cannot get to the outside meter easily to put credit on.


    She refused a card meter but struggles to pay the payments as demanded by them.


    She then told me she has overpaid her electricity by OVER £300!!!


    She has asked them to clear the gas bill from her electricity overpayment and they refused.


    How can they say she in debt with them when they owe her money.


    She keeps trying to phone them up but after waiting over 20 minutes she gives up.


    I have suggested that she waits till they phone her next time and ask again that the gas balance be cleared by the electricity overpayment

    but she is scared that they will fit a card meter.


    Where does she stand and did I give her the correct advice?

  15. Quick update. They have now started phoning my son asking why he disputes the claim. He told them he wouldn't discuss the matter on the phone put it in writing and told them to go away - or something like that!!!



    I have also had a few witheld number calls on the landline at home I suspect its them but the phone only rings about 4 times and I haven't been quick enough to answer it.



    I did write to them withdrawing their implied right of access so hopefully no more threats of doorstep visit and I printed off a spare copy in case they do.Got my phone ready to film if they dare show their faces. Hope they get the message that we wont be bullied!



    A big thank you for the help and advice I feel so much better now ... feel ready to take on British Gas next who have been bullying my mother in law but more of that on another thread.

  16. Thanks for the advice. I feel that I can stand up to these bullies with your help and support not just for my son but for other people who have or may in the future be the victims of these evil people.


    I will make a complaint on my son's behalf to OFT and TS.


    Will let you know how I get on.

  17. Hi I'm new to forums so please bear with me if I get it wrong.


    Im trying to help my son who is being threatened by Uk Detbt Collect over a debt he has disputed.


    my son who works in the building trade did some work for a builder.


    There was a disagreement over what work was included in the price and my son walked off the job.


    The builder owed my son money but materials had been booked out by my son with the builders agreement on the builders trade account.


    As far as my son was concerned the money owed by the builder cancelled out the cost of the materials.


    The builder then wrote saying my son owed him the money for the materials booked out on the builders account.

    This was quickly followed by a letter from UK Debt Collect who have been very aggressive in pursuing this debt

    and have threatened to serve my son with a statutory demand.

    The also claim they have sent a baliff to our house.

    This is a total lie as I work from home and on-one has been to the house.


    My son wrote to UK Debt collect disputing the debt but still the letters keep coming every few days.


    They now say they are sending a baliff next week to serve legal papers on my son and if he fails to keep to the appointment

    they will apply to the court for substituted service by means of post or advertisement in the press.


    They have also added over £200 to the supposed debt for interest due on outstanding credit!!


    Could someone please advise me how I can help my son deal with this as


    I have never experienced anything like this?


    How can they send the baliffs to our house over a debt they haven't even proven?


    This has left me feeling really worried and I now feel afraid to leave the house in case they come while we are out.

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