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Posts posted by B3ckys

  1. Hi, all. I'm new here and today I have decided to take the bull by the horns and ask for the help that I need. Both myself and my husband have Vanquis credit cards. While I am managing mine, just, my husbands is ridiculous. The credit limit on the card is £2000 but we missed a payment, as we could not afford to pay and now the balance is £2750 and going up by £125.00 per month. My husband is a builder and at present only works a few days a month, probably a week max. I work part time, and this is the only debt that we are not managing to pay. Now Vanquis has passed the debt to Impact, and they are harassing us with texts and phone calls all day every day. We have made them an offer of £50 a month, but they are not willing to accept this, nor are they willing to stop the interest. Now I think it's pointless to pay the £50 a month when they are adding the £125 monthly also. I really don't know what to do anymore, it's really getting me down. Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance, bec

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