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Posts posted by TIPOVTONG

  1. Just had phone call from DWP telling me my ESA is ending today(8 weeks after my medical)???

    I had my medical on the 1st July 2016,which as usual I have received "0"points!

    They have told me I have to make a claim today (so that I get a continuation of benefit??)

    Can somebody please tell me if they can do this with no warning?

    And will this cause problems with my housing benefit/council tax(which happened to me before, whilst waiting for my appeal and took months to sort out(but lost out on a lot of benefit) so now i'm terrified that its going to happen again!!!!

    Any advice would be welcome


  2. Thanks Margaret,I wrote out my reason in rough,checked all dates and order of events were correct.then got a freind to have a look just to be on the safe side(that turned out to be a life saver,as i had got a bit confused) then printed it out on computer(as i havent got the easiest of handwriting to read) then sent recorded delivery

    On thursday lastr week,I got a call from the the person who does tyhe reconsideration,he was very understanding and agreed that he could see how it could be confusing.So my benefit has been re-instated and back dated(inc housing benefit) so thanks or everyones help,Merry Christmas

  3. Hi,hope someone can help,last oct(2012) i missed an apointment for a medical assesment because i got my dates mixed up.April(2013) I attended my reschedulled appointment but the medical asseser said she wasnt qualified to give a decision on my condition and i would have to attend again and see someone who could

    I got an appointment for 10am 24/10/2013 about a month/6 weeks before the date,then i think it was about the 6/10/2013 I recieved what i thought was the same appointment,and a "cancellation of app" letter,but the app was for 20 mins later,now because i misread the letter and didnt attend the app there stopping my benefit.

    they have told me there is no appeal,but i can request that they reviewe my reasons for not attending,

    can anyone tell me if the 2 missed app ruling still aplies if there not consecutive,or any other advice would be helpfull ]


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