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Posts posted by Tigger858

  1. I received a letter saying that he was sorry I didn't feel I could take up the clerical position and would I write and confirm I wished to be considered for ill health retirement under the rules of the scheme.


    I wrote stating why I did not believe I was fit to work at all and disputing their interpretation of the OH report. I also had no choice but to confirm that I wished to be considered for ill health retirement as proposed by the OH report.


    I then received a letter saying that the trustees would consider this at the next meeting on 22/10. I did feel at the time that I was being put in the position that they would say I had forfeited my right to notice, however when I mentioned this to my rep he said that they couldn't do that.


    He has since backed down from that position and is now on holiday. I just feel a bit isolated now. Also at no time have they sought a report from my GP or Consultant they obviously prefer to misinterpret the OH report.

  2. Talk us through the process you went through to be retired please. Step by step :)


    Hi I was diagnosed with PBC in 2011 and my symptoms impacted so much on my working life I eventually went off at end of August 2012


    There was minimal contact from my employer, maybe 3 phone calls to"see how I was" until I was contacted to attend an OH meeting in July 2012. I was asked some questions however, the OH person informed me he knew all about PBC.


    I was then invited to a meeting on 8/8 to discuss the report despite not having seen it until the day of the meeting. The report stated that if all parties agreed a return to work could be attempted in a clerical role and I may be able to build up to between 12 and 15 hours per week. If this was not an option then retiral on ill health should be considered and that my own medical advisors may not agree.


    A job was offered however it was never really a viable option. I suffer from severe fatigue and bone pain. Sometimes I have a good day but more often that not I can do a little at home then need to rest. It would also cut my salary from £40k per annum to £8k and effect my final salary pension.


    I refused the job as apart from the fact I don't believe I'm fit to do it, I have never done any clerical work and financially I couldn't afford to do it. On this basis I was informed on 24/10 I had been granted partial ill health retirement backdated to 28/8.


    I then received a letter on 26/10 stating that as the ill health retirement had been granted my termination date would also be 28/8 and I was due holiday pay which would be paid on the next pay date.


    I was then told, when I queried no notice pay, that as I had applied to the scheme for ill Heath retirement I was effectively handing in my notice. It has upset me more so because my career was ended in a six line letter.


    I have had conflicting advice and hope that someone can clarify this for me. As I said if I'm not entitled to it then that's fine but it's only my employer who is telling me this.


    Sorry this is so long but trying to give you all the relevant information. Thank you

  3. Hi honeybee13 I work in the private sector and yes they allege that I may be able to do some sort of work in the future. I don't believe I will as my condition will only deteriorate, however, I don't have the strength to argue this. The OH report was in my view ambiguous and I did write to dispute the findings to no avail. If I'm not due notice pay then that is fair enough but I now don't trust either my rep or management and just need another unbiased opinion. Thanks

  4. Hi I have just been awarded partial ill health retirement backdated to end August 2013. I have now received a letter saying my employment will be terminated from the same date and I would receive any outstanding holiday pay.When I queried why I would not receive any notice pay and why there was no notification of my contract being terminated I was told that as I had requested to be considered for ill health retirement, I had effectively handed in my notice and would not be entitled to notice pay. I have been with this employer for 21 years. I would appreciate feedback as I have lost trust in my employer. If it's right then that's ok but I'm not convinced. Thanks

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