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Posts posted by Ireallyhatebanks878

  1. Please could someone help. I am now being threatened that I will have CCJ against me!!!


    he text me


    I have been asked by the agent to contact you regarding the payment for the extended rental and damage as you have not responded to their calls or letters etc please could you contact them as a matter of urgency today as they will be proceeding with debt collection via the County Courts after close of business today

    Regards .....



    I text back;


    we have had no dealings with prestige lettings The company has never managed the property whilst we were living there. You claim that we owe you 823.90 please can you give us proof that we owe you this amount ?

    We left the property at the end of October and made you aware of our intention and gave you the required one month notice. Regards



    then he text;


    You were made aware that Prestige Lettings were my agents at least 2 months before you left the property,

    You also did not give a months written notice due to you not knowing when the contracts on your new property were to be signed,

    Also you withheld your last months rent and used your advance rent payment then still kept your property within the house , not returning the keys or giving me a exact day of leaving,

    You then left the property untidy, decor damage by your children etc you were made fully aware of your obligations with written itemised costs for all damages, decor, waste removal and extended rental by the agents acting on my behalf, you called me and did say you would pay the account but asked if I would reduce the amount after informing you that I could not as this amount is what I was out of pocket you were to contact the agent to arrange a payment plan, you have completely ignored all attempts to settle this matter and have only today after my last attempt to speak with you this morning before a ccj was to be taken out which again you ignored you text me,

    I did make it abundantly clear to you that my agent Prestige were my appointed legal representative just like a Solicitor would be so please deal with them it was your choice to ignore their letters etc, I am however at this time about to finalise the paperwork for them to proceed with the on line Summons but will postpone until tomorrow to give you one more final time to sort this matter out tonight




    I sent him;


    A complete inaccurate account of what happened.

    Never the less I would appreciate if you would stop hassling me




    this is the last text he sent;



    I am aware that the agent has just called you as I requested her to do as a matter of curtesy but now after receiving your text I respond as follows:


    As you have totally ignored all efforts to resolve this matter these past 7/8 weeks we do not feel that by sending you the itemised account back in November 2015 and other letters regarding this issue it can by any means be construed as hassling you! The Country Court Summons will commence tomorrow if that is you wish? the amount you have been itemised in our invoice will be reduced by the council tax amount due to the Council Tax department having received the evidence presented to them by my agent accepting your legal responsibility to pay the tax until The end of November 2015 not October when you informed them you had vacated my property l am sorry you have taken this attitude as I have been a very good landlord to you over the past 6yrs having helped you through your unemployment period and keeping your rent the same since you moved in to help you. So I am very disappointed in your unreasonable actions when you decided to vacate my property,

    I would urge you to reconsider your decision on this matter as it will only serve to add further expense to yourself and could leave you with a CCJ against your record as you were previously informed by my agent.

  2. Hello

    I'll try to keep this simple but would appreciate some thoughts on the matter.


    6 years ago I moved in to new property and the agreement was that I paid two months rent upfront half for the first month and the other half for the last month, so when I gave my motive to move out I did not need to pay for that month.

    For 6 years we kept the house clean n tidy and never gave the landlord reason for concern. To the extent that he never renewed our tenancy agreement. .


    So in September we told him we were moving out n that the last months (Octobers) rent was paid and we will be out of there by end of October.


    We moved told him that e were leaving a bed and wardrobe which he welcomed.


    2 days ago I receive a letter from an estate agent saying I owe £850 for November rent and tax, money for having to paint the house because children had scribbled writing on a couple of the walls, in 6 years he did not decorate/paint the house for us even though he said he would and for changing locks. All this because we left a couple of boxs and furthermore we didn't return the keys even tho he was on holiday in October and never told us when or where to leave the keys. Trying to charge for clearing out mess which is a lie


    Really don't know how to approach it I spoke to him and said that I was upset and asked why is a third party getting evolved

  3. I am writing to formally appeal your contractual parking charge. I believe that you have no right to form this contract since neither the driver nor keeper agreed with any contract with you. . My car was not blocking any fire escapes, fire muster points, pathways, pedestrian crossing, disabled access or vehicle access. There were no signs to indicate that by my vehicle being parked there it had entered in to a formal contract. If there are signs they aren’t abundantly clear nor act as any sort of deterrent in enforcing a strict parking policy, informing the leisure centre users that your aim is to provide safe and secure parking rather than looking to charge users for not understanding confusing, and unclear signage that doesn’t attract attention and blends into the environment. Your signs have hardly any colour and it just seems like you have made every effort for it to be camouflaged so people would not realise its authority or even presence. I don’t understand how, as you claim, that my vehicle has cost you anything, and if so I would like for you to some how justify why you think its acceptable to charge £100, which by the way is approximately £70 more than what the local council might charge. So in brief could you provide a GPEOL (Genuine Pre Estimate of Loss) explanation? Could you also provide me with info regarding the owner of the site and who signed the contract with UKCPS and under what sort of agreements. I anticipate your response

  4. Hello


    I reacently received a PCN from UKCPS because I had parked outside a "bay"

    - as were many other cars because there were no more spaces,


    it was a very busy evening as 3 blockbuster movies were just released


    - I drafted the below letter and would like some suggestions or comments.


    To whom it may concern


    On 26 April I visited the Valley centertainment leisure park with my family.

    We had a lovely evening only to be met with a “parking invoice” slapped on to my windscreen at the end of it.

    When we arrived at the leisure park there was vast amount of people trying to find parking space.

    I was fortunate to find a space to park, which I strongly believe was a safe and an appropriate space.

    I was not blocking any fire escapes, fire muster points, pathways, pedestrian crossing, disabled access or vehicle access.

    There were no signs to indicate that I was not permitted to park there.

    Later did I see on the new parking enforcement scheme on http://www.valley-leisure.co.uk/parking-enforcement-scheme

    that parking is restricted to bays only, however one could argue that it is a polite request hence the please in the beginning of your request i

    n the anticipation of carefully using the space around the car park in a safe manor as many a time this happens on very busy events,

    such as on the release of blockbuster primer films showing that weekend was the case.

    So evidently, there is a level of discrepancy, and I understand that the parking enforcement is there to ensure the safety of the visitors and staff,

    however as someone with sound health and safety understanding there was no way that my decision in parking at the end of a row of bays,

    might I add, was unsafe.

    I anticipate that you will reconsider this invoice in kind gesture, firm notice or an avoidance of a lengthy, time consuming process.

    Please consider that the local council does not charge so exorbitantly on public roads and you both aim to provide similar services

    in terms of parking facilities and enforcement.


    I suggest either one of the following out comes saving both parties time and money.


    · A full cancelation of the ticket (parking restrictions weren’t apparent or clear on arriving to an unfamiliar, out of town destination).

    I would greatly appreciate and consider it as a serious caution, notice for future visits.


    · You do not reconsider and wish to peruse the charges. In which case I humbly decline the charge and wait for you to proceed with court actions.



    I would be truely grateful if someone could help.


    Thank you.

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