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Posts posted by Wotafool

  1. I received an understanding email this morning from Lending Stream, that took me by surprise. I had half expected more opposition to my proposals.....



    Good Morning Mrs. Xxxxxxx,


    Thank you for your email and we apologize for the delayed response.


    We would like to inform that you have three loan accounts with the agreement numbers 1xxxxxxx, 1xxxxxx and 1xxxxx. The outstanding balances on these loans as of today is £41.16, £264 and £312 respectively. We are willing to work with you to clear the loans.


    We tried calling you regarding the repayment options available for the loans. However, we have been unsuccessful as it reached the answering machine.


    Please specify us the reason of your current financial difficulty so that we can assist you accordingly with the repayment options available for the loan.


    Note : We have stopped our automated system to make any transactions from your bank account till 27th October 2013.


    Online payments are now available via our website. Simply login to your account to make a loan payment any time. Click here to learn more.


    Should you require further assistance, please email us at payments@lendingstream.co.uk.


    We look forward to hear from you.



    How understanding is that, or is that leading me into a false sense of security? There's no mention of interest, I guess I need to find out how much interest is going to be slapped on top. They asked "Please specify us the reason of your current financial difficulty"

    I can't state "due to my stupidity over stretching myself". Surely they'd be within their rights to say "take responsibility for your own actions. You made promises to pay, now pay"


    Let's see how the other creditors fare

  2. Thanks Tawny. When I took my letter to the bank, it was packed to the brim, & I was on a short lunch break, so handed my letter to a cashier & left without requesting she looked at it nor did I request a receipt for it, oh dear now thinking I should've done. I'll contact the bank tomorrow & check that my request is being actioned.


    Thanks for the budget sheet link



  3. I really don't know what to say. I've got tears in my eyes, not through fear this time but through emotions due to the sheer kindness of everyone here. I would love to say I'm indebted to all of you but it was debt that got me into this mess lol.


    Seriously now, I'm taking all the advice on board. I've contacted 1 of the companies already & preparing the letter to take to the bank tomorrow lunch


    I contacted Myjar to say that I won't have the funds on the 16th to pay the £240 & they've replied to say that they're prepared to wait to take payment of £285 on the 25th. That's helping in the short term but Not sure that's really going to help long term.


    I'll update this thread in due course



  4. Mikeymack, you're absolutely right, I know that, but it was all so easier said than done. In the beginning I was in control, I initially borrowed from PDUK, & paid it back in full, no problem, but then found that I was short again so borrowed again, then found that I spread the borrowing over to another lender, then another til it got well out of control & I couldn't keep track of how many lenders I'd borrowed from.


    A few weeks back I'd sunk so low I wrote a 'goodbye' letter to family apologising for being an absolute failure, thinking if I wasn't here the debts would die with me, & the family would be better off without me. I couldn't go through with it. My parents lost my sister to murder less than 3 years ago, to put them, my husband & offspring through more grief would've been downright selfish of me.


    For info, this is on the website of Myjar.....

    We offer 18 day loans and do not allow rollovers.

    You should only borrow from us if you are sure that you will be able to repay.

    Short-term loans should not be used as a long-term financial solution.

    Loans for over 18's only and subject to status.


    Yes I'd read that before I chose to borrow, did I think I'd pay it back? Yes I did, but can I pay it back right now? No.


    Forward on onwards I feel I can deal with this now, I have to.



  5. Thank you all so much for taking the time to help, I really don't feel so alone now.


    Here goes, my stupidity extends to

    Lending stream - £617.16 total with an instalment of 233.16 due this month

    Liquid advance - £216.00 payment in full this month

    Mr Lender - £520.00 total. Instalment of £120.00 due this month

    Payday UK - £674.74 payment due in full this month

    My Jar - £240.00 due in full in 3 days time


    I've read the 'survival guide', which is a great help, but the question I now have is about the 'menu of possible grounds of complaint''. Don't theses lenders cover all grounds within their loan agreements? I've seen statements saying "we're a responsible lending source, please don't agree to our terms if you feel you can't repay", or words to that effect. Isn't the law on their side?



  6. No, if you use a 'so called' debt consolidation service you will even worse off than you are now.


    Is this just payday loans or is there bank overdrafts and club accounts etc as well ? If so, then list them please.


    If anyone were to lecture you on stupidity they would have to lecture half of the country, you aren't alone in this by any length.



    Hi there. My debts are purely payday type loans, although I do have a credit card with a small amount on it. I'm unsure what club accounts are

  7. Dear all, this is my first thread so please be gentle. Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place.


    I've been the most stupid woman in the world & have had to finally admit I need help.


    For some time now I've been getting payday loans,

    some that are payable in full each month,

    others that are rolled over from one month to the next.


    Come payday & the debts/minimum payments are repaid, I'm short of money so I take out another.


    I've finally taken my head out of the sand this morning & totalled up that I owe almost £3000,


    I'm mortified, I hadn't realised my stupidity had spiralled to this.


    I cannot admit my failings to my husband,

    he's not a well man & this would destroy our marriage.


    We have separate bank accounts so he isn't aware of my finances.


    He pays the mortgage & household bills, I buy the groceries, household extras & my own expenses,

    but this month it's another fortnight til payday & I've no money for food nor petrol.

    I'm not on a bad wage so by rights I should be quids in.


    As much as I deserve it, please don't lecture me on my stupidity

    but instead can anyone advise if any of the debt consolidation services are worth using?

    I don't want to go down the bankruptcy route.


    I feel so ashamed of what I've done.

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