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Oh dear

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Posts posted by Oh dear

  1. Hi they have issued court papers to us for a massive claim, from May 2011, issued in 2013 we have applied to court for strike out, lots of illegal stuff going on, Take a look at CEBTA.co.uk they offer masses of help, and we are now helping other victims! There is lots of potential to stop these FRAUDSTERS, that is all they are ! Along with being bullies, lots of threats, unprofessional BUT quite clever too,we have statements from over 20 CURRENT and past clients who ALL have similar tales to ours, so IF we do get taken to court, we have MASSES of Evidence!



    QUOTE=tinamac2001;4420282]Hi I have just been tracked down by Phoenix Business Agents

    who are leaving me threatening messages on my home answer phone

    saying that they are just about to serve a statutory demand on me 'for my personal bankruptcy'

    due to the non-payment of commission on a fictitious sale of my business.


    I had a restaurant which I tried to sell through them

    but due to them putting details on Rightbiz

    I lost a lot of trade,


    the business subsequently went into liquidation in 2012.


    Phoenix say I owe this debt personally and that they will come after my assets and that they have information about me being a director of a different company.


    Has anyone else got beyond this stage with these people and if so what is the approach?


    Should I wait for them to serve papers and then defend myself or get legal representation now?


    Thanks for sharing your experience it is most helpful

  2. so what happened?



    Hi been unable to start a new thread as not posted enough!


    Put the two together


    Have submitted directions questionnaire


    Court date proposed for July!

    With breakdown of dates for submitting information etc


    Have got a couple of parties helping me , but more help always appreciated, have contacted the daily mirror as they are interested,


    Solicitor is asking about mediation at moment

    Regards Juliet

  3. Hi,


    we have been misled by Mr X and Mr Z


    in may 2011 they came and visited us

    ( after being cold called that they had buyers waiting)


    we were signed up and paid £500 marketing fee,

    this would be return upon sale or cancellation ,

    this was stressed so thought ok that sounds safe!


    The valuation was inflated 1.1 M

    but were told realistic they had buyers for this type of business waiting,

    we had improved the business and turnover since we had been there.


    The guys left us their business cards and to call with any questions or concerns,

    we tried but got no replies from emails or phone calls ,


    emailed saying we would cancel if did not hear back ASAP as were very concerned.


    Only then did we get the smooth talking guys saying everything was fine etc etc.


    The advert went live ,

    photos not on correct orientation

    and we were more concerned


    phoned to cancel to be told that there was a £3000 cancellation fee etc etc a


    s per all other reports read,

    we had threats, rudeness, incorrect ( we assume) invoices for their fees of £100,000 yes really and £6000 £11,000 plus vat ,

    we had debt collectors phoning me for money before the invoice even due!


    We sought advice of a solicitor friend, and have or we thought called their bluff,


    now we have received a claim form from Northamptonshire county court!


    They are of course accruing interest on this claim!


    It is amazing everything goes quiet for 6 months and you think it is all over then BAM!

    A claim for north of £15,000


    Help what do I do ,

    the T& C 's on their agreement flip you back and forth between clauses in very small print.

    But yes you would get your marketing fee back but you have to pay excessive amounts to do so!


    I would appreciate any help I can get on this


    Ie will they take me to court or are they just using bully tactics?


    Do I get a solicitor involved?

    Would they pay my costs if I win?


    If I lost I would have to pay out about £25k to Phoenix and solicitor


    Can I represent myself?


    How would I do that ?

    I am just a key person

    Regards oh dear

  4. Hi I am shortly to be taken to court November 2013 and do I get a solicitor?


    Or go it alone ,


    I am typical ie they want varying amounts of money, £3000 up to £100,000 ( probably a typo but I have it in writing) had treats,


    bailiff phone calls


    all I have paid was the upfront £ 600 ,


    are they just intimidating me or with claim value of 15,000-50,000,


    or should I settle ( for rudeness, intimidation, overvaluation, for nothing) this company did nothing yet want thousands

  5. Hi just joined forum as we too have now got a court date for Nottingham


    ( live in Oxfordshire) for November,


    do I get solicitors or go on my own ,


    they estimate the claim to be £15,000 to £50,000


    where do they get their figures from .


    As with all other posts, same old same old, Mr X and Mr Y, £3000 fees not explained

    but would get £500 back etc etc business overvalued NO viewings. I


    I get solicitor and they drop out I still have 10,000 ish of legal fees help help help!


    Please pass on thos message to others concerned like a chain letter

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