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Posts posted by DELL1981

  1. thank you for your concern I hope someone is monitoring my account so they can see it isn't fraud... And I'm not running from the problem, I want to pay... We are starting to go off topic a little, I'm hear for advice and if anyone in a similar situation can chime in then great... The other part is the threat or reality regarding the red corner notice and what the rep from citi bank quoted... I'm not an international fraudster, I'm a guy who lost there job in Dubai made a bad investment and wants some impartial advice before I speak to my solicitor tomorrow

    In the UK when there is an investigation ongoing about possible fraudulent transactions taking place, there is a list that is distributed to compliance managers, with markers placed on any accounts, so they can be monitored. It may work in a similar way in Dubai.


    You would probably be best to not add any more details to this online forum and to let your Solicitors deal with these debt issues.

  2. Sorry unclebulgaria67, I misunderstood... I see what you mean now. The total debt that I owe is split between 3 lenders. Citi are only chasing for a credit card debt which is a fraction of what I owe that totals in the region of 100,000 Sterling.


    The loan I used for this investment was from one of the other lenders not Citi. To be honest the bank that I had the loan with for the investment have been respectfully quiet, no threats and only one email from a 3rd party debt company (the same Citi bank use) I think I recall the name as bilkash or something similar...


    "I invested in a gold mining company which turned out to me a huge global [problem].


    Unfortunately, I was tied into this [problem] for a few months before it went bad, I thought it had potential so took a loan to increase my share amount "


    The reason I ask about criminal enterprise, is that you mentioned money was borrowed for investment purposes. I don't know what investigations Citibank have made with Dubai authorities, but given the amount involved, I would think that they would be considering whether you were party to a criminal enterprise, rather than just a victim.


    Just a suspicion based on what information has been posted to this thread.

  3. Conniff, my nickers have been in a twist for a few months now, who have u been speaking to?

    I think you are getting 'your nickers in a twist' here, (excuse the expression). All I see is you had a bank loan and have stopped paying. What all the other rubbish is about I have no idea, all you have to do now is write by recorded delivery, a letter to the bank, either in England or the country you are in at the moment, and quote your account number and sort code from Dubai and tell them you will be making all future payments to them.
  4. If you read the whole thread you will see the last 8 months I haven't been in a position to pay. Now I am I'm looking for guidance and advice (last time I checked guidance and advice means just that)... Plus I said come Monday I will be meeting with a solicitor for professional advice.... Anyway looks like u only read half the thread. Firstly, welcome and if u have any good advice or guidance then feel free to share

  5. Yes, my day is so uneventful I spent the whole day making up this story... I don't care if u believe me or not... Anyway if u don't believe me, why bother commenting at all


    Dell1981, I still find it hard to believe your story, if this has been going on for 8 months then you really should seek further professional advice rather than generic advice given on here.
  6. Let me try and clarify something... This email is not fake or a [problem] it's definitely from citi bank and one of their staff, i have been in contact for the passed 8 months with the same contact... From living in dubai 8 years myself and recognising the girls surname she is from the Philippines and is probably why her English isn't great... Slave labor in Dubai is everywhere even banks prefer to employ cheap labor ( from Asia) to save on cost... I'm speaking to a mule, I'm not speaking with someone who takes decisions on it...

  7. Pretty sure, her email is [email protected]

    Thanks & regards

    Recovery Cards & Banking

    Citibank N.A. UAE

    Email address : [email protected]



    Interesting. There is so much wrong with that email I do not even know where to begin.

    • An international bank sending out an email littered with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
    • International treaties do not have "sections", they have "Articles".
    • There is no such thing as the "Federal Court of Dubai". The UAE federal courts are located in Abu Dhabi not Dubai.
    • As far as I am aware there is no such thing as "International Law Sec 188".
    • The only relevant "Sec 188" I can think of is section 188 of the Restatement (Second) on Conflicts of Law which (1) only applies to the United States, (2) is not a law it is simply a textbook produced by the American Bar Association, (3) is about the system of law which governs contracts and has nothing to do with enforcement of foreign debts which is an entirely separate issue.
    • The phone numbers do not come up on google as being Citibank numbers.

    Are you sure the email is legitimate and actually comes from Citibank?

  8. Please be reminded that as a credit card/personal loan holder out of your Country /territory, your use thereon is regulated by International Law Sec. 188, that’s governs the acquiring and receiving of credit card/personal loan, which includes severe criminal and/or civil penalties for credit/loan fraud.

    The act of evading payment for your CITIBANK ACCOUNT is already deemed fraudulent hence, subject to stipulations of the above law.

    CIVIL CASE and GLOBAL TRAVEL BAN, are being executed upon you by Federal Court of Dubai, Ministry of Justice, and U.A.E. for ABANDONMENT OF ACCOUNT with CITIBANK and anytime will be file to your home country and current country of residence to affiliated court.


    I strongly recommend that you contact our recovery office at 009714-3523805 or 0097155-1045080.


    Any assistance feel free to contact us.



    Recovery Cards & Banking

    Citibank N.A. UAE


    If you want to get proper advice on your position you will need to be much more specific. You have very briefly summarised the threats made by Citibank and I think the key details have got lost in translation. For example, there is no such thing as a "sec 188" under international law, someone has misunderstood what "international" law is. Can you tell us what, exactly, Citibank threatened in their letter (preferably word-for-word)?


    You might be banned from travelling within the GCC. But I have not heard of a "global" travel ban. I can't see how a travel ban granted by a court in Dubai would affect you in the UK.


    Having dealt with UAE lawyers in the past, not sure you will get much joy going down that route particularly if you can't afford to pay them. The UAE legal system is not a developed legal system like we have in the UK and Europe.

  9. Thanks again Conniff, I took your advice and I have just sent an email to the banks direct as well. Maybe I can negotiate a better deal (if its not to late).


    I'm starting the new job 1st October. With the salary I am hoping to cover 300-400 and still be able to live and put food on the table.


    Only an amount you know for certain you can keep to without defaulting again. It's not the amount that is so important, but being regular and not missing any payments.
  10. Thank You Connif , I was thinking more like 10.00 :)


    On a serious note, I was thinking of the same making a monthly payment within my budget. As and when I get more cash I can make balloon payments to clear the debt quicker.


    I have a feeling the case has already been to court so the question is. Is it to late to start making payments? If I already have a red corner notice against my name can this be settled still out of court?



    This is not a 'wont' pay so is not fraud. Debt is not a criminal offence.


    Make a standing order to them of say £5 per month and tell them that is all you can afford and you will review it as soon as you gain employment.

  11. As far as I am aware the process is as flows (information thanks to another website I am unable to post)...


    1. The bank may file a police complaint in case of default. The police complaint can prevent you from leaving UAE.

    2. If the expat leaves UAE with the amount due then the Guarantor can be made to pay the amount due.

    3. If the person leaves UAE with default in credit card then bank may institute legal proceedings and even a red corner notice may be issued against the person.


    4. Then the next step I guess depends on whether the country you reside has an extradition treaty in place with the UAE for economic and civil offences like this.


    Due to the slow start to me finding a job looks like I'm at this stage now. To keep others in a similar situation up to date I will update this thread with nay new developments. And hopefully people can learn and understand better on how they can deal with this situation before it gets out of hand.

  12. There was an interesting article I read unfortunately I cant post due to my newbie status. But the last sentence was about Gulf States attempting to extradite British Expats. However, all cases have been throw out of court due to UK law seeing it as a civil case not a criminal matter.


    Also the article read, now in Dubai they are starting to check files at immigration. If they deem you as a flight risk they wont let you leave the country unless you pay your debt??? This seems a little excessive, and what do they class as a flight risk?

  13. Hi Brig, and thanks again. SOS or anything would be great... I haven't been in a situation to make the payments over the last few months. Now I have a job I want to speak with someone and find out how to consolidate everything and have someone help contact all the banks etc from the UK.


    I have found companies on google for debt in UK but I am not sure if they can handle my debt in Dubai, consolidate, negotiate with the banks etc etc... Plus if my case has already reached a Dubai court with a global travel ban against my name, is a repayment plan still an option, or is this to late as my case has already been addressed in court. Lots of questions and not sure who to ask, so thanks for the advice again.






    Hi Dell,


    I'll put out an SOS for help for you, please bear in mind it's a weekend and all here are volunteers.



  14. granted I might not find a solicitor offering their services, but people in a similar scenario might have some insight or advice. If someone could offer advice on the global travel ban and who I need to contact regarding the situation.


    Yes funds are low but that doesn't mean I cant research the cost involved to get some help. I need to start somewhere and now is a good a time as any.

  15. Ok, where do I start.


    I need advice / guidance on my current situation. I was living, working in Dubai UAE for the past 8 years. Everything was going extremely well until I invested in a gold mining company which turned out to me a huge global [problem].


    Unfortunately, I was tied into this [problem] for a few months before it went bad, I thought it had potential so took a loan to increase my share amount, 2 months later they stopped paying dividends and I was stuck with a substantial loan...


    I continued to pay regardless over the next 2 months only to be dropped with the news my job was on the line due to company restructure. Now I really started to panic, if I lose my job I wouldn't be able to pay anything...


    This is when I started to evaluate the possibilities, unfortunately one of the scenarios was been arrested and my passport taken from me for been a flight risk for missed loan payments.


    I took the decision to at least keep my freedom, get out of Dubai while I still could and look to find a job back home, where I could look to start a repayment plan.


    I left Dubai in January and still I'm finding it hard to pay my monthly living costs, let alone pay off my Dubai debt totaling around 100,000 Pounds Sterling...


    I was in communication with one of the lenders about my situation, I told them I was in the uk looking for work. Then everything went quiet until I received an email from a UK debt collection company threatening me...


    Now the second lender, citi bank for one of my credit cards have started. I have also been in contact with them as regular as possible updating them with my situation. Now they are saying my case is in the court (where i don't know) and I will have a global travel ban as the crime is regulated under international law Sec. 188 and will be arrested in the country I reside?


    Now I haven't got a clue where I stand, worried, no money to pay them and now it looks like the problem has now got worse.


    I want to take control of this situation and don't know where to start; I tried to Google international law advice and was directed to this site.


    So I hope someone can reply, and put me in touch with a good lawyer to represent me and give me accurate information of what will happen and how I can move forward.


    I have no assets and really am starting to worry someone will come knocking soon. I want to take control before this happens.


    Look forward to hearing from someone soon

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