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Mike wants better

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Posts posted by Mike wants better

  1. Hi!


    My first time at this!


    Is anyone else like me and wonder why Tescos does so well? I go in there and all the drinks seem to be sugary rubbish. Most of the meat seems to be very processed , poor ham and beef etc.


    If you are trying to find healthy foods: salmon salads, V8 type drinks, unprocessed meat or let alone fresh fish. I suspect people have got so used to frozen fish or fish treated with bleaches etc they no longer know what the real thing is.


    Admittedly Waitrose and M&S are expensive alternatives and not perfect but surely people value what they are putting in their bodies more than what Tescos serves up? Also I don't buy it that people can't afford better food as the very same people who buy from Tescos can be seen lining up in KFC/McDonalds etc (all more expensive than the "better" supermarkets). Come on people, vote with your feet!


    No, I don't work for Waitrose..just interested in peoples thoughts!



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