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Posts posted by Lisa.haycock

  1. Thanks


    I have received communication from the DVLA today fining me for not informing them of the fact that my car had been written off. I thought that the insurance company would do this and in any case the DVLA knew because they had sent a microfile to the insurance company .However when i received a letter threatening legal action i phoned and informed them. They said i had to put it in writing so i posted them a letter. (All my official documents had been sent to the insurance company) They deny receiving it.


    I was obviously upset but was considering paying up for a quiet life and because i did not believe that I could win. Your letter and posts of other people have convinced me its worth the fight!


    I will also request they pay me for all further letters i have to write if i get anything i will pass it on to you guys.


    Thanks and keep up the good work.

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