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Posts posted by zena510346

  1. I have just had a call from a very arrogant man from Swinton who said that under the terms and conditions of my agreement with them they are entitled to collect any money owed by me any way they want and if it means going to an account that I used to make a £7 payment two months ago they are legally entitled to do so. And he said he ordered me a breakdown of everything which was what I wanted in the first place. Oh to find a copy of the terms and conditions and oh to be able to understand them.

  2. I renewed my car insurance in June and sold my car two months later. They were asking for £171 to cancel which was a lot more than I reasonably expected. I told them I wouldn't pay it and that I wanted a breakdown showing how they had come to this figure. I received several letters but they didn't explain anything to me. At the time of the renewal I added a named driver to my account and I had to pay approx £7 to them for this and my premiums went up very slightly I used my HSBC debit card for the £7. My direct debit money paid to Swinton came out of my Lloyd's bank account and had done for the last year. I looked at my HSBC account today to see how much wages I had and found that Swinton had taken £171 out of this account without my authorisation or my knowledge. It took all of my wages and worse still my bank let me go £50 overdrawn to pay it. They took it out on the 19 August so this will have incurred charges. How dare they take money from my bank. I feel like they have stolen this money and that surely it is unlawful. I have raised a dispute with my bank and I have to prove I cancelled the insurance. Does anyone know what I can do about this?

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