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Posts posted by Neillt

  1. An Update....


    DSG lodged a dispute to our small claims application, 2 days before the expiry date, saying that in their opinion the damage was caused through misuse. The court date was set for 10th December, however yesterday we received a letter from DSG saying they had reviewed our case again and decided that the Ipad should have been repaired by them and enclosing a cheque for £239, covering the repair costs we incurred plus the court fee.


    Very pleased at the outcome and can I just add that this forum was absolutely useless when it came to providing the advice I requested on how to proceed with legal action against DSG. Anybody reading this who is in the same position as we were, don't be expecting to get any help from this forum and crack on with legal action, it seems to be the only way to achieve anything.

  2. Hi Everyone


    To give you an update on our situation....



    My wife took a phone call on 28th August 2013 from a man from “H M Investigations” the man claimed they were an independent body and wanted more details on the damage and how it happened. My wife told him everything she could and he said that if Currys did agree to fix the I-pad we would have to agree not to submit future claims for similar damage, my wife said this would be fine as we just wanted the thing fixed.


    “H M Investigations” told my wife that Currys would write to us within 10 working days, and we were quite hopeful of getting a positive outcome. In the meantime I requested a copy of the engineers report from Currys, they informed me that they would give me this if I sent them a cheque for £10. I didn’t send the money as we decided to await the outcome of H M Investigations review.


    We have now received a letter in today’s post (dated 4 September!), from Kathryn Mansell, Customer Services Manager at Currys saying that they have reviewed H M Investigations’ report and have made the decision to reject the claim.


    It seems that the only action open to us now is to take small claims action against Curry’s.

    I would be grateful if anyone could advise me should we:


    A.Get the Ipad repaired ourselves and then take court action to recover the costs of the repair? If so where should the repair work be done, should it be at the Apple store?


    B.Proceed with small claims court action for the replacement cost of the I-pad (£269).


    I would be grateful if anyone who has gone down this route before could respond. Thanks.

  3. Having looked at the I-pad again, I would agree that there are marks on the corners however I would call these "scuff" marks rather than impact damage, the corners would have been in this state before the screen was cracked.


    I have managed to take some photos showing the marks and screen damage, can someone help me out and tell me how to upload them unto the forum so that you can judge for yourselves?

  4. This is Curry's reply to my appeal letter, received on Saturday:



    With reference to your letter regarding your recent claim for damage to the above product; this claim has been referred to us due to the excessive nature of the damage.


    The unit has impact damage on all four corners.

    The primary impact shows very high force onto a rough surface.

    The subsequent impacts have also flattened the corners of the metal casing.


    Please refer to the Terms and Conditions on your agreement, under the section headed What is not included where it states The cost of repairing or replacing a product which fails because anyone neglects, abuses or misuses the product. (Does this last sentence even make sense??)


    Due to the above we have decided to uphold our decision and reject your claim.


    We are sorry for the disappointment that this will no doubt cause, but trust this now clarifies the reason for our decision.


    Yours sincerely


    Kathryn Mansell

    Customer Services Manager


    I have replied to this letter today, informing Currys that unless they agree to repair the I-pad by 28th August I will have the repairs carried out myself and take small claims court action to recover the costs from them.

  5. The ipad has been returned to us, i'll try to take a photo of it later and upload it for you to see, there is a crack in one of the corners however I cant see any damage to the metal casing. I am certain that any damage done to the ipad was not done intentionally or caused by anyone neglecting it, this was my daughters pride and joy after all. However I genuinely cannot explain how this damage occurred, if Knowhow say that the damage could not have been caused whilst the ipad was in the seat pocket of the car. Would be grateful for any advice as to what our next step is.

  6. Hi Everybody, My first post on this forum, necessitated by the wonderful people at knowhow. Having read through other posts it seems as though i'm having something of a shared experience,


    To Summarise, My 7 year old daughter purchased her ipad mini from currys store in Craigavon, N Ireland in April, with several years worth of birthday / Christmas money.


    3 months later the screen cracked, on a car trip, my daughter left the ipad in the pocket at the back of the front seat of the car, hiding it from view while they were in the cinema.


    We think the damage was caused while our 3 kinds were getting on and out of the car. My wife phoned the helpline, telling them the ipad had been damaged whilst hidden in the pocket of the car seat. The Ipad was collected and returned 10 days later saying that the damage caused was inconsistent with our explanation given.


    I assumed that we hadn't gave enough information initially, and my letter appealing their decision and explaining about kids climbing in and out of car whilst the ipad was in the pocket would clear the matter up and we would get our repair.


    However, today we have received a letter rejecting our appeal, stating that the ipad had excessive damage, including impact damage to all four corners, high force impact on a rough surface and subsequent impacts which have flattened the corners of the metal casing. The letter refers then to the terms and conditions of the agreement which states repairs are not carried out if caused by anyone neglecting, abusing or mis-using the product.


    Can anyone advise me how to proceed, in particular if I decide to go to small claims court, what value should I put as the loss incurred?



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