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Candy Crush

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Posts posted by Candy Crush

  1. and pay the council not the bailiff!




    I tried to do that - BCC were not interested and just told me to deal with the baliff.


    I realise I should not have to pay at all, but to be honest, if I can pay a few quid a week to know that I will now be having baliffs at my door at any time then I will. I have been assured I will have all monies paid refunded if the complaint is resolved in my favour - and I shall make sure it is. This course of action has bought me time to resolve the matter.

  2. Thank you to everyone for your help.


    Success of sorts.

    I spoke to the baliff - who was actually human and decent!

    A rare commodity I think.


    I explained my circumstances and vunerability issues and he instantly agreed to withdraw the £200 baliff fees,

    and told me if I took proof of my benefits to Equita HQ, they would set me up with a payment plan then and there.


    He confirmed that this will withdraw and action/visits by himself.


    So, I shall do this tomorrow and at least that will give me a stay of execution while the council get their arses

    into gear and look into my formal complaint.


    I shall still be referring the complaint to all and sundry,

    but at least I have the tremendous relief of knowing that I won't be getting knocks at the door.

  3. No they shouldn't - but they are!!!


    I have telephoned BCC stating the vulnerability of the household (my 17 year old also has depression) but they will not speak to the baliff on my behalf. I am waiting to speak to them now - I am to ring back in a few minutes as he was tied up.


    It is the possibility that they could turn up at any time that is exacerbating our conditions - I am in a complete state over this.

  4. Thanks for the reply



    I have written a formal complaint to BCC. Will certainly send copies to the others you have suggested, but it is the time delay that concerns me. I am on tenterhooks constantly watching the door and afraid to go out even into the garden to peg my washing out because of leaving the door unlocked for 5 minutes. I don't know whether to ring the baliffs again or not.


    In answer to your question, I have a long standing stomach condition - which is aggrevated by stress, and also acute clinical depression. I am also a single parent, albeit with teenagers and not small children.


    I just want the imminent threat of baliffs banging on my door gone while I sort out this with the local authority.

  5. Hoping someone can help.


    I received a letter last week from Equita Baliffs regarding alleged non payment of council tax.


    As I have been on council tax benefit since 2008,

    I was convinced that they had made a mistake but


    upon telephoning the baliff he confirmed he had a case file and advised me to contact Birmingham City Council.


    This I did and proceeded to go round in circles. The benefits department said it was the responsibility of the council tax department and vice versa.


    It appears that this is related to a matter dating back to 2010, when my council tax benefit was temporarily stopped

    due to them apparently not receiving documentation from myself.


    I attended court regarding this, stated my case and produced all correspondence and it was agreed that benefit should be backdated

    and all court fees etc would be quashed.


    I received a letter to this effect including an apology.


    However it appears for reasons best known to BCC, there was a month where benefits were not paid.

    They advised at the time that it was because it fell outside of the 6 month backdate period allowed,

    even though I attended court in June 2010 and the period in question is 11 May - 11 June.


    I wrote and telephoned on several occasions regarding this and have records of all correspondence,

    and as I heard no more I presumed that the matter had been resolved.


    The first time I realised that it had not was the letter from the baliffs.


    I received no court summons, no liability orders, nothing.


    I am now being told that because it was such a long time ago (their words) I need to write in and request a breakdown of benefits paid,

    and even then they may not be able to do anything about it because of the time period.


    No-one is prepared to put a hold on the case, no-one can advise me of what to do about the baliff demands.


    I have been told if I pay and the case is resolved in my favour then any moneys I pay will be refunded, but I can't afford to pay in the first place!!


    I spoke to the baliffs who said they would put a hold on the case for ten days,

    but then I had a hand delivered letter 5 days afterwards advising they had visited to seize my goods and would be returning.


    To add insult to injury, they have messed up this years benefit as well

    - saying they have asked for additional information on my circumstances (which have not changed).


    The only way I could stop this from also going to the baliffs was to agree to a payment plan of £70 a month - which I cannot afford,

    but I was told it would go to baliffs any time and that was the only way to stop this.


    They refused to consider any lesser payments even when I advised that I was a single parent on benefits,

    and said that I would not be able to get a claim backdated as rules have changed re time periods.


    I am absolutely terrified. I cannot get a answer from BCC and the investigation into this matter will take time.

    I realize I could go to the ombudsman but again that will take time which I do not have with the threat of baliffs banging on my door any day.


    I have all my doors and windows locked (not pleasant in this weather) and will not let them in,

    but the fear is there and exacerbating existing medical conditions (I receive incapacity benefit although I am not registered disabled).


    My two teenage daughters are similarily terrified - I have had to tell them what is going on so that they don't answer the door or leave it unlocked.


    Any advice at all on what I can do to delay any baliff visits/action until I can get the council to investigate and respond would be most gratefully appreciated.

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