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Posts posted by ConcernedSE

  1. An invoice only says what you think you are due. It doesn't mean anyone has agreed to the rates or what will happen in the event of error.


    You need a contract.

    Is there a simple template for a contract that I could use for future work?


    I am not sure you don't have a case; If the work you did is not in dispute, they will have to prove they did not give you the opportunity to put any mistakes right, i.e. in writing!

    Suggest you write to them pointing this out and if they still refuse to pay you, then you will take them to court.

    title the letter, letter before action, and give them 7 days to respond.

    copies of your work sheet should be enough to confirm you did the work in this case together with any evidence of how and what they paid.


    Yes, they didn't tell me anything. Not by phone or by text or by writing.

    I'll start with that.


  2. ask in writing for a breakdown mistakes made and cost tom put right

    But wouldn't that be like saying that I've done wrong and if they can spot what?

    Surely the hours or work you do gets signed off, daily or weekly.

    and you get paid against that, or at least you should do.

    evidence is the key here, make sure the work you do gets signed off and keep a copy.

    Seen this so many times with sub contractors or contract staff.

    If you have these records then yes take them to court

    At the end of the week I complete the invoice with what properties/work I have done for that week and send it to them.

    I keep copies but they have only my signature on them since I send them by e-mail, now I see that is a mistake.

    IVe moved to the employment forums as there are posters in their that can advise on self emplotment


    let's start with what your contract says about pay please

    Don't have a written contract, just a verbal contract with the manager that offers the work.

    I ask how much does he pay and for what work and if we both agree then I start the work.

    Never had issues like this so didn't think about a written contract.

  3. Hi,


    Not sure if this is the right subforum to post this but I've seen a thread similar to mine so I'll leave this here.


    Have a bit of an issue with the last company I've worked for and was hoping you guys could help me out with some advice.

    I'm a self employed tiler and I worked for about a month for a company in London doing kitchen/bathroom tiling.

    After the site was finished they paid me but not the full amount, about £500 after tax were missing. I called the manager I worked for and he said he'll look into it.

    Next day I called him again and he said that I made some mistakes and someone called me and told me about them and asked me to come fix them but I refused so they hired someone else to fix and paid him that amount. This is simply not true, I haven't received such a call and if I would have I would have gone to fix my mistakes. This is what I told the guy and he said he'll ask again.

    Next day I call him again and he says the same story and that they can't pay two people for the same job so there is nothing he can do.

    They pay £65 per bathroom/kitchen so that means that I must've made mistakes in 9-10 bathrooms. I have 7+ years of tiling experience, take pride in my work and never had such a problem. Not saying it's impossible for me to make mistakes since we all do, but making such mistakes that they wont pay a penny in any of the 10 bath/kitchens in a month is kinda impossible.

    What would be the best way to deal with this?

    I've read some threads about people not paying and they recommended small claims court. Would this be the case too?If so how do I proceed with it?



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