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Posts posted by mick753

  1. One entry marked settled by the OC on sale of the account to Sigma Red, Sigma Red are the obliged to update the file, there is currently a move for the Original Creditors ''settled'' entry to be left in place with the debt purchasers entry showing alongside, supposedly to show the complete history of the account, it is not two separate defaults on the same account but a progression showing the true conduct of the account, seems unfair I know but it is a more accurate picture.



    That would actually make sense if the 2 accounts were linked and could show anyone looking at the credit file that they were one and the same, however because the credit file/report is in date order this actually now looks like its 2 different accounts at different times and therefore surely show no relevance to each other?


    Also what is the actual purpose then of T Mobile showing the account as having been satisfied in the first place, surely it needs to be shown as still in default from its origin.


    It doesnt just seem unfair, it seems completely misleading :(

  2. Hi,


    She has lived at the same address for the last 18 years and on closing her account with T Mobile in 2007 she did receive a letter from T Mobile stating that there was an outstanding balance of £19.77 due to late charges or such like, she immediately rang them and drew their attention to the fact that she had paid her account in full and then never received another thing from them.


    Since then she has received nothing until a few months ago when she got a letter from Sigma Red saying that she owed the £19.77, she then rang them immediately and explained that the debt had been paid at the time of closing the account and never heard a peep after that.


    She certainly never heard anything from Sigma Red in January 2011 or in the months preceding that and for the sake of £19.77 would not have allowed it to come to a default regardless (much the same as she has paid it 2 weeks ago because of the hassle this is causing with trying to get a mortgage).


    The whole thing stinks of T Mobile having done nothing to close the account but also of Sigma having decided that they can just register a default that actually has no legitimacy, particularly when her credit file shows her T Mobile account as having been maintained and settled 3 years earlier :(

  3. Hi,


    Many thanks for the quick reply, i did wonder whether or not this was a case of Sigma having renamed the debt.


    What concerns me though is that there is a clear and definite entry on her credit file that states that she had a T Mobile account (she has only ever had one) which was marked as having been maintained satisfactorily and also having been settled, this was as mentioned marked as settled in December 2007.


    What i cant understand is how Sigma can then add a default in January 2011 against an account/agreement that is also listed as previously settled some 3 years earlier?


    That hardly makes sense nor does it seem like there is an account or agreement to register a default against?

  4. Hi,


    My apologies for not having introduced myself prior to my first post but i am trying to find out if my wife has received a wrongful default on her credit file?


    Neither of us have had to check our credit rating before but we recently decided to go for a mortgage and were advised prior to have a look at our credit reports just to satisfy ourselves that we would be okay.


    My credit report was rated as good and all the details looks exactly as i would have expected, however my wife was rated as fair with a default sitting on her report from a company called Sigma Red.


    Naturally she has contacted Sigma Red who stated that it was in respect of an unpaid T Mobile bill of £19.77.


    Obviously she then contacted T Mobile as she hasn't had a mobile with them since December 2007 and had never received any paperwork from them for any unpaid amount as her account was never in arrears and was closed correctly, this was confirmed with T Mobile who did however point out that there 'may' have been an unpaid amount due to charges that were levied after the account was closed, however they confirmed that they did not have any account details to support this.


    So going back to Sigma Red she informed them of what she had been told by T Mobile and she got a particularly curt reply about them not having a copy of the consumer credit agreement or anything either.


    Fearing the worst and needing to sort our mortgage application she then just paid the £19.77 but informed Sigma Red that she couldn't understand how she could have a default and that she would take this further but needed a letter stating that the default was settled in the meantime.


    After 12 days we still didn't get a letter and so she spoke to Sigma Red again, this time she was passed from pillar to post and told it wasn't policy to send letters etc and that a manager wasn't available to handle the complaint that was now going to be forthcoming. My wife was also told that they didn't need any credit agreement to put a default on her file as she could receive a default for a verbal agreement.


    Now up until this point whilst i was worried about how all this was going to affect our credit rating, i have pretty much taken a back seat and not really read up on the matter, but having had a read of a few of the posts around here i immediately got to wondering if this default is on her account illegally?


    For what its worth, having checked her credit file there is a settled account with T Mobile that was classed as satisfactory and settled on 09/12/07, and then she has a default registered by Sigma Red on 10/01/11 for £19 (which is now shown as settled).


    My question is, should the default even be on there and can it be taken off, if it can who do i speak to?


    My assumption is that this is obviously a breach of the data protection act and should be speaking to the office of fair trading?


    But can a debt collection agency put information on a credit file without having an account to register it against in the first place, particularly when T Mobile have an entry on her file showing her account as satisfied and closed without any arrears?


    Many thanks in advance.



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