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Posts posted by ryan21

  1. Another thing I just remembered was the threat of "dont just look on the Universal Jobmatch and apply for a load of jobs the day before you come in because we can check when you signed in to it."

    A very needless threat really. I would still be applying for the jobs, who cares what day it's on, one day isn't going to make a difference


    forgot to add they do pay bus fare tickets for non signing days with your adviser.


    It does sound quite easy at the moment but it's a mess, instead of just going in and saying here is what I have applied for, you have all this other crap of them checking when you looked on the UJ website, having to fill the activity history "diary" in everyday as he called it and like I said even if there isn't a job to apply for on a certain day, you still have to write "no suitable vacancies today" onto the activity history notes just so they can see you checked.


    I don't know if this will happen in every jobcentre though.

  2. I finished the work programme last week and attended my first post work programme support advisor interview today. Just created an account on here for anyone curious about what might happen to them.


    What happens to me now is, I have to go in every week but I only see my adviser once every two weeks, the other week is just a regular signing on. So it alternates every week. Next week I just sign on, the week after I see my adviser, the week after that I sign on the week after that I see my adviser Etc. However it could change and I might need to see him every week as well as signing on later down the line.


    He never explained to me what I will be doing when I see him every two weeks apart from he would look at my Universal Jobmatch account on one of the two computers in the jobcentre and see what I have applied for. I am one of the first to come back from the work programme so far but he said he is expecting a steady stream of people coming in.


    I have to use Universal Jobmatch for everything now. The activity history part has a notes section on the right hand side where I have to write down what I have done for that day. If there are no vacancies on that day, I have to write "no suitable vacancies" to show that I have looked. I have to use UJ at least 6 days a week and since they can check whether I am or not, I have no choice really


    Also about ticking the two boxes letting them see everything, Apparently I forgot to tick them when I created my account and that they need to be ticked (no mention that it wasn't mandatory). Anyway I ticked them (stupidly, If only I had more confidence and was more forceful) so now they can see everything I see on my account.


    Apparently they aren't interested in anything being written down on paper or having hard copies, everything HAS to be done on Universal Jobamtch. I imagine this is why it said people would have to come in daily because if you didn't have a computer then you would have to use the jobcentre's computer everyday to apply on universal jobmatch.


    Up next was the talk of courses. I told him I've had two jobs one in admin and one as a shop assistant so he has put me on a computer course, to help me get an admin job. It doesn't start until August as there are no spaces left. I have a grade B in dual award IT so it should be easy.


    The annoying thing is that their is no set time to see my adviser. I see him in two weeks at 1 o'clock but that could change to the morning the next time I see him or 5 o'clock the time after that so its hard to plan anything on the adviser day.


    So basically come in every week and use Universal jobmatch to show my evidence. See my adviser every two weeks (why I need to see him, I don't know) At least I have quite a friendly adviser for now, probably until his case load is full and he is stressed to hell.


    Its going to be a pain having to do this every week for six months, especially when I only used to have to go the work programme once every 6 weeks. Weird I complained about the work programme for two years, now a part of me wishes I was still on it ( God, did I really just say that)

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