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Posts posted by Categed

  1. No real advice but my father was hit by a car from a filter lane, insurance company wanted to settle 50/50 but he won no fault in the end. He had to take photos and draw diagrams that showed that the damage that was done could only have been one by a car hitting his (on a straight road) at an angle. Was stressful and difficult but he was adamant that he wasn't accepting 50/50. He was given no support from insuance, but luckily as an engineer working out the angles, directions of force, diagrams etc wasn't too bad. Good luck x

  2. Thanks for all your answers,


    well todays update is that


    he refuses to fix the car, says he didn't know people had been messing with it??

    It was at an approved vauxhall garage where they diagnosed the fault and left the exhaust split as part of the repair to be done was there.


    He wants the car moved by Sat or he will charge rent.


    30 mins later he phoned my husband swearing down the phone saying he was a chancer and a trouble maker and he wanted the car lifted today,

    husband said nope you gave us until Sat.


    Now he has text husband saying leave it until tomorrow and I will see what I can do but we have arranged a local company to pick the car up

    and they will see if they can fix it as


    I don't trust this man at all and really don't want to face him.


    I feel such an idiot for getting upset (totally blame the hormones)


    what would the position be if we get someone else to fix the car?

    He has had lots of chances and says he wont/will wont and then gets threatening.

    I just want the car away asap.


    Thanks again for all the time you have taken to read and reply.


  3. Thank you for replying so quickly, I think you are right about the trade in, what I would give to have it back now, hindsight a wonderful thing :-) You have made me feel a lot less stressed. Now just the having to look forward to the next abusive call before we go down the court route. Will look into what we have to do as we are in Scotland. Thanks again x

  4. I hope someone can give me a little advice, please be gentle as feeling rather stressed and hormonal due to new baby :violin:


    My husband purchased a car from a garage using his old car as a trade in,

    signing a form to say there was no major mechanical defects known to us, mot ran out that day, 160000 miles on clock,

    guy was happy with this and gave us £400.00 trade in. We then paid £2600 for an 06 car with 101000 miles on clock (advertised at 98000).


    We got the it home but were unable to use as it was still classed as disabled tax from previous owner, due to work commitments it was off road for 4 weeks,


    Got it taxed, drove no more than 200 miles and it broke down.


    Towed by aa to local garage who find 22 fault codes and that the springs and breaks need replaced and that the break pipe is cracked.


    That we could deal with but then the bad news, the swirl flaps and dpf were broken and would need replaced but there my be more work needed. Starting cost without breaks etc £2500!!!


    Phoned the garage where it came from, understandably he wasn't very happy, to put it nicely.


    Many calls later, lots of threats from him he agrees to collect it and fix two main faults (and break pipe if he finds it faulty) if we pay £200.

    We agree, really just want this over.

    During these conversations he said he would sue us over the trade in as he had to scrap and got £100 (would have got that for the alloys)

    said the starter motor and another part and battery wee faulty, unfortunately for him these have been replaced in last year (excluding battery)

    but he says even though car is crushed he will sue us...


    Fast forward to today, two weeks later it is picked up, the guy collecting the it says the exhaust is split,

    20 mins later we get a call to say someone has been tinkering and basically guy is nasty trying to get out of dong the work mentioning taking us to court over a scrapped car again.


    The garage did no work after diagnosing the fault as he said he wanted to see and repair,


    so I assume they didn't put exhaust fully back together as repair needed too be done and car can't be driven?


    I assume we will end up in court as now he has it I think he will really take the pi**,

    I may be wrong and jumping the gun.


    What are your opinions?


    He said we were out of 30 day warranty so not covered but I managed to get an email saying he will do these repairs for £200 as good will. Not that there has been much of that!


    a) Can he take us to court, as far as we know there was no major mechanical things wrong with trade in, def not the two things he states.

    b) Do we have a leg to stand on against him. I can deal with breaks, spring etc on it but not spending more than the car cost us.


    Thanky ou for reading and for any advice, just want to cry, not managing confrontation well at the moment and feel slightly sick at the loss of the money when I am on maternity :rain:

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