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Posts posted by jmc2000

  1. no fixed penalty notice should be issued until there is sufficient evidence to support a prosecution. The point here is that there should be very few circumstances in which an authority writes to an alleged offender for further details after a fixed penalty notice has been issued. It also says re litter from vehicle...after obtaining reg keepers address an officer should go to address (if local) to clarify the Offender is the same person they saw....!! My point now is the alledged offence was on thurs 25th, letter sent out fri 26th..so where was the visit to r/k address to confirm ID??? Before fpn sent....

  2. Shall i put...dear sirs, I am happy to release the identity of the driver once you provide me with photographic evidence of the said offence involving the car ...reg..


    the car was there but i am disputing throwing a fag end...and unless they have photo evidence how can they prove it came from my car,

    When the bin men empty our bins they leave any rubbish that falls on the floor....on the floor!!!!!

  3. Hi, not sure i,m doing this correct !


    had a fpn...sct 87.reads .at approx 0800 hrs on...

    ..an officer employed by council witnessed the black male driver of.(car and reg), throw a cigarette end out of drivers window.


    the offence took place as vehicle was driving from the ringroad into the city centre .


    the vehicle then continued driving along....st,leaving the litter behind .


    the witness has produced a statement under the provisions of the criminal justice act 1967,

    which will be treated as evidence .


    if you were the driver .

    .£50 fpn..

    if you weren't the driver .

    ...they want name ..

    . what should i do to deny this and they obv searched for registered keeper

    ...help please .

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