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Posts posted by jackwynder

  1. Hello all, I entered into a DMP with Payplan 3 years ago, I had never missed any payments or had any defaults, CCJ's etc before I started this plan.

    Approximately a year into it I had to make a reduced payment as I snapped a tooth and had to pay a £200 dentist bill. Early last year I had to make a second reduced payment, once again to pay a dentist bill.


    I am paying off 3 different creditors, I owe MBNA around £3000, RBS around £1500 and Barclay card £550.


    On the 1st of march my employer entered administration, on the 13th of March all employees were made redundant, I had not been paid for 4 weeks at that point and as such I had zero funds available to pay anything. I then had to wait 2 weeks before I received any income from Jobseekers allowance. In this time I was able to borrow funds from my 70 year old mother to continue to make payments towards my debts.


    My redundancy money came through at the beginning of last week, so I decided to try to negotiate Full and Final Settlements with the credit card companies, so I wrote to each of them. I then decided it would be a good idea to check my credit file to see what state it was in after 3 years, I found no marks of any kind from Barclaycard who were happy with my payments. I did however have 2 late payment strikes from MBNA (which will probably be due to the 2 reduced payments I have made), but I found 12 late payment strikes and a default notice from RBS. It comes to light that Payplan have been paying them late even though I was paying to them on time every month. As a result I have got rid of their services and registered a formal complaint against them.


    I offered to pay 54% of the debt as a Full and Final Settlement, yesterday I received my replies. All 3 were rejections. I have today posted a PPI claim against MBNA which is for the value of £1300, so this combined with my offer should hopefully be enough to settle completely.


    I have drafted CCA letters to each of them, but Barclaycard have been so good to me and the debt is so low I would like to clear this completely (this account was opened in 2009). I can also just about afford to clear the debt from RBS too, but I am hoping that when coupled with the CCA I will be able to get them to agree to settle for a reduced amount.(I do not have the funds to clear all 3)


    Is it allowed for me to clear them in different means like this? I remember reading you can't prioritise creditors like this.


    I am planning to continue to make payments until these matters are sorted but would just appreciate any advice on if I am going about this the right way or if there is anything else I can do to help my case.

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