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Posts posted by bluebug1

  1. Hi everyone....I find it funny that I get yet ANOTHER ****ty e.mail from Speed Credit/NDR/Toothfairy Finance/MH Bailiffs telling me to go to their website to "pay in full" I did type their add in and just came accross lots of forums basically slating them...there is NO way to e.mail them as it will come back to you - failure notice! They never ever write to you just phone call after phonecall.I was in hospital last year for a month and STILL received threatening calls/txt messages.My original loan was for £100 in January 2012 (they seem to think it was 3 yrs ago!!) I then had to give up my job due to illness so could not pay them.I then went into a payment plan last February and was late paying in March as I am unemployed and my house/utility bills/food come first.EVERY time I call them it ends up in a slanging match and I am now classed as a "agressive customer"....OH REALLY!!!?? My reason for being agressive which I was is because a week ago they took £24 from my account leaving me with nothing and did exactly the same last Saturday taking £48...a friend kindly put funds into my a/c to help me out as I am struggling - unemployed.I called Speed Credit and went MENTAL at them...I had no food,bugger all and they had cleared my a/c twice now.I have cancelled my debit card and written to my bank saying under NO circumstances were they to take another penny from me....arggggg :evil: They just said we have every right to do this and my debt was now up to £1050...funny that as a few weeks ago it was £350.I have no idea of the exact amount I owe them as it changes - weekly!! Yesterday I posted loads of paperwork to them in Sheffield,hospital notes-benifit letters,doctors letters etc etc I posted it recorded delivery,they would have had to sign for it!! So the txt's start....home visit within 7 days,god knows how many of them I have had.Are they really that confident to send some sucker here from up North thinking I'll let them in??? Now they are telling me they are taking me to court well good luck with that cause I haven't got a pot to p*** in and they know that - I owe a totall of £22,000 and every company except them has been fine and if my payment is late I call them just to let them know and they are fine with me.In the next couple of months I am going bankrupt and it will give me such a buzz to call them and tell them....go f*** yourselves!!! :oops: If any of you guys out there owe less than 15K get a Debt Releif Order....costs £90 and ALL your debts are cleared.Good luck to everyone that has to deal with Speed Credit or whoever the hell they want to call themselves..Just about says it all hey.

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