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Posts posted by roberto1990

  1. Hi all, been reading these forums for a while and found it much help!


    I work for a high-street retailer and have recently "stepped" down from a mangerial position to my original position as a customer service advisor. Basically my contracted hours are 20 and have been since I was a CSA, (since Jan 2010) but to"step down" back into my original position I would have to take a 10 hour cut in my contract, I declined and asked management for them to justify this and was told the hours "are not there". I feel this is unfair because:


    - Another manager who recently stepped back down to a CSA has been in the organisation 11 months and has managed to get a 16 hour contract. (His managerial contract was 16, worked 39 hours as a manager but as a CSA before his promotion had a 8 hour contract as a CSA)

    - The store is currently advertising for new 8hour customer service advisors to join the company.

    - I was not issued a contract of terms relating to my managerial promotion which began in January 2013 (first pay date 18th). However I was verbally told there is a 3 month probation and was told my "contracted hours" would be the same as my previous role of customer serive. (I notified my manager on the 1st April 2013 of my intent to step down)


    My contract for customer service states in the terms that "Your working hours are subject to variation and directed by your manager" but at the top it states "Contracted Hours: 20. I have no updated contract since I stepped up to my promotion in January.


    It's a bit of a complicated situation but would anyone mind giving their thoughts if this is enough evicence to support a formal grievane to obtain my original hours back?

    Much appreciated!

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