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Posts posted by shazbazz

  1. The dream came true for me thanks to TOMTUBBY! Thanks to Tomtubby the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead have agreed to let me make a final settlement of just 82 pounds! which is great as the Bailiffs were chasing me for 450 pounds!!!! Its all thanks to Tomtubby!! thankyou so much!!


    I would like to make a special thankyou to TOMTUBBY for helping me!! Words cannot express how gratefull I am an how amazing the advice and work of Tomtubby is!!


    I would like to thank everybody else on this wonderfull forum who took the time to give advice and help!! Everybody on this forum are so helpfull and are like a big family, very friendly and welcoming. When I was having problems with the baiiffs/council/TEC, there was no help attall and I felt like I was fighting a loosing battle until I joined this forum!!!! Thanks to the help of Tomtubby I no longer have a living nightmare!! thankyou to everyone else too on this forum who made me feel welcome and helped me every step of the way!! YOU ARE ALL GREAT GUYS!!!!!!!


    It was the most scariest time of my life having bailiffs clamp my car and constantly harrass me and also very degrading as well. In the past I always thought Bailiffs were there to collect debts from people that dont pay there debts, but its not always as simple as that!! Everybody have different circumstances and a different story to tell, but the Bailiffs dont care and they just add on extortionate charges which are unreasonable!! Thank goodness for this forum and all the expert advice on here!!......I would advice anyone having problems with Bailiffs to join this forum.


    Im gonna misss you all!!!....keep up the good work you are all doing!!


    I will be eternally gratefull!!


    Many thanks!!!!!


    Shazzbazz :)

  2. the rejection letter from the TEC says that any enforcement action may be re introduced by tht LA and that the TEC dont have any authority to stop this. . . i dont fancy my chances od getting any sence from the LA as all the members of staff i have already spokn to regarding this matter since June last year dont have a clue what they are doing. . . However I have been liaizing with the parking manager via email regarding my formal complaint to the LA so I could always send him an email to ask if I have a 14 day grace.

  3. no a statement of truth has not been sent to me. A seperate generic letter has been attached to the refused order, explaining that the LA should have already served a responce to me, which in regards the Out of time, they have not reponded. I have been lliasing back and forth to the council manager regarding my Formal complaint, but NOT with regards my out of time application. . . what is a statement of truth

  4. I have received a letter from Northampton court which has REFUSED my out of time application. It says date order made and date order drawn ....11 April 2013, dont know what that means but I only receoved the letter today and it is the 15 April and im scared the bailiffs will visit me tommorow! Please post back as soon as you can to advice me what to do next. I guess I will need to complete an N244?

  5. i went back to my old address today to collect my mail. The bailiffs had left at my old address an ATTENDANCE NOTICE in January 2013 with my old address on the letter. months later the bailiffs came to my current address in march 2013 with an ATTENDANCE NOTICE addressed to my current address, so ive got 2 differerent attendance notices from the bailffs, one addressed to my old address and one addressed to my current address.

  6. Dear Tomtubby,


    Regarding my V5 document. Ive been looking for an older one that shows my address details were different to the address on the warrant.......... When the new RED V5 documents began the DVLA sent the red ones out in sept 2012, so I would have received a new RED V5 to my current address, with my current address details in SEPT 2012, but because I sold my car in December 2012, i sent back this V5 back to the DVLA with the new registered details on it, therefore I no longer have the V5 document, which would have shown my address to be that of my current address before the date of the warrant, BEFORE it was issued on 7 Nov 2012. When I sold my car in December 2012, I sent off page 1 (1-8) back to the DVLA and gave the the other part ( 9-12) to the new owner, so I no longer have this document which would have proved that my V5 address was updated before the warrant was issued, but Im sure the DVLA will have a record of all the dates.

  7. He was told by the LA to respond to my formal complaint, which I made to the Council 4 weeks ago. I have since processed a TE7 since then on 2 April. I dont think he is personally responsible for reissuing the warrant. he has just responded to my complaint and tried to twist everything I have said to make me look to blame, but i dont think he would have re issed the warrant.

  8. Ive just had an email from the LA today in response to my question of what address is on the warrant. i have copy and pasted it below as follows:-


    The Warrant was registered to the address given to the Council by DVLA.


    After bailiff action and confirmation that you no longer lived at the address provided the bailiff requested for the warrant to be re-issued to a different address they had obtained for the debtor and this was .......... The request for re-issue was received on 28/11/2012 and sent to the Traffic Enforcement Centre on the same day. The warrant was re-registered to the new address on 29/11/2012 and the bailiffs were informed on 05/12/2012 that the warrant was successfully re-issued to the new address.


  9. I have done this and have been given conflicting information from the TEC regarding this. The first time I phoned then they said the TEC authorised the re issue of the warrant on the 29 Nov 12, due to the LA informing then that the address was incorrect.


    the second time i phoned the TEC they said that the warrant has not been re issued since 7 november. I asked him to confirm to me which adress is on the warrant cuurently. He wouldnt confirm that to me until i confirmed my address first. He was like you tell me your address first!! he said he could not give me any more info until i told him what my address was. it all seemed very shady. ....i then got cut off due to bad recpetion. I will phone them back later on once ive had a responce and feedback from here.

  10. My TE7 is in process. The TEC has confirmed to me that is was in process since last thursday , 4 April 13. and that the bailiffs cannot take any action whilst this is in procees which can take up to 6 weeks. phew!! I hope that my TE7 will be accepted. They also informed me that it is too late for me to forward on to them supporting documents as evidence as they have to be sent along with the form. At the time when i posted off my TE7 i wasnt aware i was able to enclose evidence otherwise I would of done. The TEC informed me that I can forward the evidence to the LA directly.

  11. i phoned the tec back and asked then what date did the LA apply for a re issue of the warrant. the tec said the warrant had not been re issued since 7 nov 12. i then told him that the tec had just told me that they had authorised the re issue of the warrant on the 29 nov 12. they seem to be very defensive when i ask them questions about this. ..... so i said to him what address is on the warrant currently. instead of telling which adress is on the warrant, he started asking me what my current address was. i then said to please confirm the current address on the warrant as i asked the question first and he said to me i had to tell him my address first before he could give me any information. then the line got cut off due to bad reception. I will awaite for your responce now as im really confused. The LA clearly knew they had the wrong address and they did inform the TEC of this, then the TEC authorised the re isuuse of the warrant. .....now they are telling me that the warrant was not re issued????? ...confused!!!

  12. I have just contacted the TEC today...i was ill for the last couple of days as ive been in a car accident hence the delay, ....ok the TEC confirmed to me over the telephone that the LA did contact them when they realised they had the wrong address. The TEC then authorised the reissue of the warrant on the 29th Novemeber 2012. They didnt tell me the date in which the LA requested the re isuue of the warrant and she got very angry when i said the LA had requested a re issue of the warrant!!!! shall I phone them back and get this information.

  13. i moved address in february 2012.


    I havent actually seen the warrant. I have a letter from the bailffs addressed to my current address, which was delivered on 9 Dec 2012 saying that they have a warrant from the tec etc.


    The council say they sent the warrant to the bailiffs on 7 nov 2012, but the date the bailiffs first visited me was on the 9 dec, which is one month later, so the bailiffs were probably given my old address previously??


    I phoned the TEC today. They received my TE7 and it was procesed last thursday. They said that it is too late for me to forward supporting evidence regarding it as it all needs to go together at the same time. They said i can forward it to them if i want but they said it wont go togther along with my TE7. They said i can send the evidence to the council instead to help them assess it.

  14. I have read the LGO and the BPA!!....Thankyou for sending me those. I can see the importance of them now and how the council has commited Maladministration. I will be phoning the TEC on monday to find out if my TE7 is in process yet.


    I had an email from the LA on Friday in responce to the Formal complaint I made to them. There reply was that ultimately it was my fault as i didnt inform the DVLA. They have denied any knowledge of me contacting them, but as I suspected as when i contacted them it was already after they had sent me a charge certificate they have not even read my email and they refused to up date my address over the phone. Ive got proof of the email and ive got a telephone bill which proves that i phoned them to give my address but obviosly i didnt record the telephone converation at the time. In the letter they are also tryinmg to claim that they sent me info regarding making an application to the TEC, which is a blatant lie as i never received such things. They aslo claimed they emailed it to me and that there was a problem with the email address but its the same email they have used to contact me last friday!!!!


    I replyed back asking what addresss was on the warrant. currently the address is now correct on the warrant but since they never updated my address i suspect they must not of done when they originally gave the warrant to the bailiffs

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