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Posts posted by recognized

  1. Well I did...there is one way to get her out, but if I will do that thing I will be portrayed in anegative light like a bad father, who kicks out his wife and kid out of the house to the streets. Surprisingly judge made no note when we rised housing issue on the last hearing. Her Barrister indicated that the wife was attempting to claim Housing benefit and seeking a place to live. I can't understand how she can claim housing benefit if she has no tenancy agreement, and I can't see any way she will be able to find any other place to live it as she is unemployed, and speaks almoust no English. I am in really tough situation...I just can't afford to pay for a property where I am living now, for her property and Legal Expenses altogether...And most depressing is that there is nothing could be done about it...

  2. Hi!

    I have been renting a flat on my sole name for a 2,6y. But we were there living with my wife. Now when things with wife become not so good we are now through our separation procces. Tenancy run out last week and wifey refuses vacate the property with our 3.6y old daughter. As she never been on a tenancy agreement LL agency says that they can't do nothing about it. And as I were a sole tenant, despite me moving out of the property and giving all the keys (exept wifes) to the property back to Estate Agent. They saying that I am breeching the tenancy agreement, because I didn't give them vaccant possesion at the end of the tenancy. And if I will not get them out of the property they will apply to the court to get repossesion order, and they will file a case to me, not the wife. And they are saying that I am still liable for the rent etc. I can trick them to get them out of the property (wife and daughter) and give that vaccant possesion. But obviously I will make them homeless, and the court that I am in with my wife right now will not be to keen on the fact that Father just thrown coldbloodily his wife and a kid to the streets. I am right now stuck between rock and a hard place. Can anyone give any advice? Wifey just changed the locks on the property, despite not having the right to do that. To be honest I don't really want to pay rent on the property I am not living in or even can't get into...


    It was shorthold tenancy agreement, renewed every 6 months. Nottice to vacate the property was in december. Wife was complitedly aware of it.

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