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Posts posted by PeterM68

  1. Well Argos finally sent through a small wadge of paperwork! The "agreement" is the in-store application form from 2004 and the T&Cs appear to be ones from 2008, so a clear mismatch there. They've also sent through pretty much everything that you'd get from a SAR request so I have all correspondence, statements etc. There are a fair few £12 late payment fees! It also seems to be showing two DCA £12 fees but not sure if they're showing on the statement or not. Doesn't appear to be.


    I'm happy to pay what I actually owe them, but not the fees - any suggestions on what is the best approach?


    Not heard anything from DLC for over a week either....

  2. Hi Simon, I can put up with her whining and she wouldn't have the nerve to come to the house. Underneath it all she is quite a nasty person (her step-daughter hates her) but only likes to text and email! I do not like conflict so I don't put myself in the position of having an argument on the doorstep...

  3. So, does the fact that she now goes through the CSA negate the court order? I can't see how she can have it both ways to be honest. I've always paid directly to her account as she was happy with that even though she wanted the CSA to work it all out. I may now contact the CSA again and say I want it all done through them. She is very bitter and vindictive and any conversation I try to have with her ends up in an argument, which is not what I want.


    You would not believe the texts I am now getting from her. Dictating when I can now see the girls (13 and 15) and telling me that I am not a responsible parent - we have them three days a week until 7-8pm (she won't let them sleep over as it affects the CSA money) and they sleep every other Friday night. The reason I left my previous job was that I was able to work from home and they wanted me in every day. I now have a job that is 30 mins from home and allows me to get home in time so that I can see them. My ex-wife works 20 minutes away and never gets home until 7pm. I don't want to judge her, just put things in perspective. I love my girls more than life and would do anything for them including giving up a good career to be able to see them.


    If the court order is invalid, I can tell her that and then look to get my own court order to see the girls if necessary.


    Thanks again for any advice given :-)


    Kind regards, Peter

  4. Hi all,


    My ex-wife and I divorced over 10 years ago and I was paying regular monthly payments for my 2 girls. As part of the divorce, she got a court order saying I needed to provide P60s each year. She has never asked for them. About 4 years ago she decided to go through the CSA even though I have never missed a payment.


    I recently lost my job but continued paying out of my redundancy money. That is now running out and I contacted the CSA to reduce the payments.


    My ex and I have never had a good relationship since splitting up and she is now throwing her toys out of the pram and saying I need to provide P60s for the last three years. Fortunately I have a new job, which pays less, but means she'll only miss 2 months full payment.


    I'm happy to provide the P60 for this year, but I don't see why she can now go back and demand previous P60s seeing as she wanted to go through the CSA.


    I have always provided for my children and it's only the current situation that has caused this to change.


    Any thoughts on the P60 issue?


    Kind regards, Peter

  5. An update. DLC have written again threatening doorstep visits, solicitors etc. No reply to the CCA request to Argos as yet, but they may have another day or so due to the long Easter weekend. It has been more than 12+2 though.


    I have now been offered a job but as it's local to me and not in London, the salary is a fair bit less. Longer term I will go down the IVA route - any thoughts on that considering a DCA is involved.


    I'm now in a position to clear the £50 outstanding to Argos. Should I go ahead and pay through internet banking and write to DLC telling them to sod off?


    Kind regards, Peter

  6. Update: CCA to Argos will go today. I have also included the fact in the letter that the default notice was invalid as no date was specified. It's quite amusing to read "if not action is taken by the date shown" when there is no date! I've also told them to no longer call as their staff are being rude :-)


    Will be interested to see what DLC do...

  7. Ok, have now checked wife's Noddle report. Shows late payment but still with Home Retail Group Services as of 28/02/2013 with an outstanding amount of £449. I also noticed that the £1 payments are not being registered even though they are coming out of my bank account through an S/O.


    I'm guessing that the incorrect name bears no real relevance as it's showing under my wife's married name? The other interesting thing is Noddle is showing the £100 payment in December, so we are actually just on three months behind...


    I will send off the CCA to Argos and a letter to DLC stating that I will not be dealing with them and see what happens - does that sound like a plan?


    Kind regards, Peter

  8. An update - I just checked Noodle and the Argos account isn't actually on there?!


    UPDATED: Of course it won't show on mine....it's my wife's.....DUH!!!

  9. Hi, I will send a recorded letter to Argos, although they haven't bothered to reply to the other letters I have sent them. They seem very incompetent to be honest.


    The letter from DLC states that the account has been "referred to them" by Argos, so I'm guessing they don't actually own it yet. Should I write to them stating that I don't acknowledge them in this matter and will be dealing with Argos directly and not to contact us again unless they actually own the debt?


    I'll need to check the credit file, but I'm assuming (wrongly?) that due to the default notice, Argos will have updated it.


    Kind regards, Peter

  10. Hi, thanks for the reply. I don't think my wife ever signed an agreement, it was the application form in the shop. If anything it would have been in her maiden name. The card is in my wife's maiden name also. Yes, the account numbers do match.


    Kind regards, Peter

  11. Good evening!


    This is my first post on CAG having spent a lot of time reviewing previous threads.

    I have a question that I'm hoping someone may have some advice on.


    My wife has an Argos card with an outstanding debt of £450.

    The late payment is £43.


    I recently became unemployed and was keen to ensure the debts we had were dealt with promptly.

    Having contacted the StepChange charity, they advised a £1 payment to all creditors.

    I have a lot of support from them all apart from, you guessed it, Argos.


    The debt owed to them is the smallest yet they are the most difficult.

    Their "helpline" staff are just plain rude, even calling my wife a liar.


    Argos insisted that the minimum payment had to be £5, which we cannot afford at this point as all of the other creditors would then expect the same.


    It went quiet with Argos for about 4 months when we then received a default notice,

    followed by a phone call where we, yet again, explained the situation.

    We now have a threatening letter from DLC.

    From the advise and templates on here, I can easily deal with them.


    My wife took out the card before we got married so it is in her previous name.

    Argos wanted the original marriage certificate which we refused to send as we didn't trust them not to lose it!

    We've been married for almost 9 years and the bills have always come to the correct address but with the wrong name.

    Before I was unemployed we always paid on time.


    I am going to send the CCA letter to DLC and a stroppy letter to Argos,

    but just wanted to get opinions on the fact that they have the wrong name on the agreement

    and effectively no-one by the name they are sending to lives at our address.

    What are the implications of this from DLCs perspective?


    To be honest, I don't like the idea of not paying my debts,

    but frankly Argos have been so unsupportive and downright rude that it has got my back up and I'm now in the mood to be very difficult.


    Thank you in advance for any comments and feedback on this.


    Kind regards,



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