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Posts posted by Danny321

  1. My homes been repossessed again, i am willing to pay 20k and my monthly payment on a weekly basis, I went to court on the day of the eviction but the judge refused and sided with the lender, now I have raised 20k from my sons and the arrears are 11k is there anything I can do?the lender won't accept the offer is there anything else I can do?

  2. It always makes me sad when I hear that these type of companies charge people such large sums of money for something they could do themselves (applications to stop eviction or defend possession) - that sort of money would be better used against arrears. These people are no better at this sort of thing than Shelter or some CAB centres.




    If I had charged that sort of money for all the repo and eviction defences I've done, I'd be extremely rich.......




    Home repossessed agin due to illness, I am willing to pay 20k and my monthly payment on a weekly basis, I went to court on the day of the eviction but the judge refused and sided with the lender, now I have raised 20k from my sons and the arrears are 11k is there anything I can do?

  3. Lol,


    At the hearing when the judge said the lender was in communication with me throughout Monday and up until the eviction they never mentioned the final proof they want (to redeem the mortgage) the lender solicitor said at 1015pm when I was told that I had enough time to go to court and put an application to the judge, when has 15 mins been enough time to do that... They still denyed the fact that they misled me with false information

  4. After a long hearing over 20 mins the judge demanded we get the keys back as we were in constant communication with the lender up until the eviction and due to lender moving the goal post one the last minute that took away out chance of making an application to the court,


    The rep I had didn't have a clue of what was going on as he didn't know the situation of the case I actually spoke more then he did, waste of £495


    I just want to say thank you all so much for the information you all gave me,


    The points Lea made were the ones I used in court an they are the ones that have got me entry back to my home,


    I wish I could reach out and give you all a big hug

  5. this is a letter from my father to the judge for not attending, please can you have a read and see if i need to change anything if you have the time. much appreciated


    Your Honour


    i would like to apologies for not attending the hearing as i have been admitted in to hospital on Thursday night, due to having chest pains. i am a heart patient who has had a by pass and the doctor wanted to keep me in for a couple of days whilst they do check ups and so they can observe me.


    As i cant attend i have sent my son with my legal representative John to act on my behalf. i would like to explain the situation briefly, I had to visit Pakistan due to an emergency on 25 December 2012 so before i left i set up a standing order for a payment of £7400 (£1400 for January this included the monthly payment and £600 towards the arrears, and £6000 for the lump sum that due in February) these payments were set due to the court order.


    Unfortuantly when i set the standing order the account number i entered was 00400497 but the correct account number for Oakwood Homeloans was 00404497. so for that reason the payment did not reach Oakwood Homeloans. I was not aware of this until i returned on 16 March 2013, to find out the payment was made and a eviction date was set for Tuesday 19 March 2013, because i got back on Saturday i couldn't get through to Oakwood until Monday morning.


    Once i spoke to Oakwood i explained my situation and they asked me what i was prepared to pay, i explained to them the £7400 that was agreed in December is still in my account as the payment failed due to me putting the wrong account number and no other reason, so i can pay the £7400 in full via debit card payment. i was advised the proposal had to be put to a manager and i will get a call back. a short while later i got a call back and i was told if i pay the £7400 and i send proof i was out of the country then the eviction would be cancelled and the court order would be up to date.


    The adviser told me that she could only take a payment of £5000 via debit card and the remainder £2400 would need to be made via ban transfer or direct in to the account at Barclays. so i made the £5000 payment and i sent a print screen of my ticket confirmation, and i made a online transfer for £2400. once the proofs were sent i call Oakwood and i was advised they had got the proof but they was not satisfied with it, re wanted to see a ticket or my passport, i didnt have my ticket so i said i would sent me passport copy ot them.


    The £2400 payment was not showing on the account aswel. So by this time it was 430pm and the adviser told me they had not received my online payment, i also sent them the proof of that payment aswel and advised i will have to go to the bank in the morning to ask why its not reached your account.


    so in the morning i went to the bank and was advised that faster payment reach the recipients account within 2 hours because my payment exceeded £1500 it wont go through as a faster payment and will take 2 days, i explained my situation and my bank cancelled the payment and gave me cash so i could deposit it direct in to Oakwoods account and ince that was done i sent proof via fax to Oakwood of that payment.


    then i called Oakwood again and they told me they wanted the front part of my passport aswel so i sent that via fax several times to 2 different fax number and i also sent it via email aswel. after about 20 minutes i was told they have got the copy the adviser got in conatct with the manager to advise that the payments and proofs have been received. then i was told that the eviction would still go ahead as they wanted to proof that i was going to redeem the mortgage.


    I explained to them that i was in the process of remortgaging but due to me having to leave the country in an emergency the process was put on hold and now i am back i am going to get a new date for the valuation (fees had already been paid for the valuation to the mortgage broker) and once i have had that done i will sent the documents, and also how come i wasnt told about this when i called up on Monday morning and why are they telling me 30 mins before the eviction. I explained to them if i had been told this i would have advised i would not be able to sent you this proof and i would have put an application to see a judge at the court and explain my situation and let the judge decide, because they didnt mention that to me and made an arrangement with me and now they are going off there arrangement and have took away my right to an application to see a judge.


    The response i got was get in contact with citizen advise bureau when the bailiff was at the door step. If i had known this was Oakwoods intentions then i would have made the payments to them and put an application to see a judge before the eviction was due to take place. By Oakwood homes changing their arrangements the last minute they took that opportunity away from me.


    I do apologies for not attending and for writing such a long letter. I hope you can see the situation Oakwood have put me in.

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