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Posts posted by Carl10

  1. Hi,


    i recently applied for a mortgage with C&G,

    having never had problems applying for mortgages before.


    The mortgage was agreed in priciple, although they needed to write to employer to confirm commission earnings after around 3-4 weeks of too and fro.


    Inbetween the times of applying and them writing to my employer,


    i was offered a new job and current employer asked me to leave straight away,

    and hence detailed "No Longer Employed" on the reference form from C&G.


    They then took that as fraud and and think i was lying about employment details, and placed a CIFAS Cat 4 against me for fraud and forgery

    (the forgery i dont understand as they wrote directly to employer).


    I have written a letter to C&G saying i've never had bad credit,

    never been declined a mortgage and have committed fraud,

    however i need to re-mortgage the house and am looking at getting car finance around June time this year.


    Am i stuffed, or will current lender let us move or re-mortgage if we have to

    (considering we have over 2 years history with Halifax with no payment problems)?!


    Really need to release some equity from house after doing it up,

    and am worried that C&G wont do anything,


    although i have been told that it should only last around a year if nothing else is highlighted?


    Help appreciated.

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