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Posts posted by mickymouse19

  1. :) all she seems to be doing is telling me to do stuff that i can do at home (which i do).

    a friend of mine that goes there is constantly switching between them...

    also... my contract with them is due to end in a few weeks... what will happen?

    will i be able to refuse to go there again?

  2. The last one made me laugh :)

    at the rate its going though, she will end up getting a response and she not like it... and knowing her she would probably try and sanction me for it :)

    are advisers suppose to change after 1 month because when i first went to ingeus i was told they do?

  3. im quite a shy person and dont like to be rude... or have arguments as ill just get p'ed off and walk...

    thats why i prefer to do all my complaints via email/letters... although i probably need to actually say it to her.


    thank you for your help btw :)

  4. i have told the jobcentre about her because she tried to sanction me because i failed to apply for 8 jobs in 3 days...

    they said to me that they will never sanction me for it as its completely unfair.

    my ingeus advisor said to me once that i am not making an effort to find work, yet about 7 jobcentre staff have said my job searching is perfectly fine and another ingeus advisor said the same...

    to be honest though, it seems like at the ingeus office i go to its the women that are ****s :)


    but since i have filed a complaint to ingeus and the jobcentre, what would happen if i walk out if i feel she is being a ****?

  5. Hello, recently my ingeus advisor has been very rude to me so i filed a complaint and it still continues.

    im on JSA, would i get sanctioned if i walk out of my appointment?


    she has been making me do impossible stuff too like, making me apply for 10 advertising jobs in a week that i have never applied for and she contacts them to make sure.

  6. hello, i have another question about ingeus...


    recently my adviser has told me it is mandatory for me to apply for 10 jobs that are hiring within my area ( i have looked there aint 10 ) she says i could get sanctioned for it... is this correct?

    also she is making me apply for jobs i cannot do... ( jobs that involve having a driving licence and a car ).

    she is making me do 100 spec letter per appointment and doing training courses that i have already completed while being there.

    what can i do about this?


    thank you in advance

  7. Not quite sure what you mean. Are you asking why you can't change to a different Work Programme company? If that's the question, the only answer is "Because the regulations don't allow it."


    As to signing or not signing, as I said, what you're doing is by withdrawing your consent is trying to make yourself less interesting to Ingeus or whoever in the hopes that they'll stop wasting their time on you and, by extension, stop wasting your time as well.


    im asking why A4E refuse you if you dont sign that paper?

  8. You can't withdraw from all participation in the Work Programme. What you can do is withdraw your consent for them to contact employers with a view to receiving outcome payments. Outcome payments are made to Ingeus when you find work and so on. You have a right to do this under the Data Protection Act.


    The main benefit to you is that many companies don't feel it's worth dealing with you too often if they won't be paid for any results. The other side benefit is that companies such as Ingeus will get less money. You must, however, continue to carry out mandatory activities that are notified to you correctly and which are "reasonable under your circumstances".


    thank you...

    another question though...


    why are you not allowed to join A for E or whatever it is if you don't sign?


    + they are making me do stuff i cannot do... even one of the other advisers i spoke to there said it was stupid

  9. i was reading DWP Provider Guidance Chapter 5 Annex 1 and i dont exactly understand it... im told that if i withdraw my signature i will no longer need to go to ingeus? ( they are useless for me, they are constantly sending me on the same programs done 1 of them 3 times now, they are making me apply for jobs that i cannot do... they are putting me forward for jobs without informing me ).


    so is anyone able to explain this to me in a stupider way please? :)


    i would have provided a link to it but im not allowed...

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