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Posts posted by Aprilmay57

  1. Hello Bankfodder. 

    It is a defunct account.

    I have been fighting a debt collection group that has bullied me mercilessly and is now taking me to court, even though they cannot prove they 'own' the debt.  


    I realised I had not asked for an SAR from the Halifax.

    Whether it will do me any good or not now I don't know as I have written my defence (well, done my best as I haven't been in this situation before) .


    I asked them for a deed of assignment and I can't believe the load of tosh they have sent me.


    My name isn't on it, there are only 3 signatures (could be the cleaner's, who knows).


    What sort of ID would I need please?


    I don't know how much time I have as I don't have a court date yet.


    And do I need to pay for this?


    I read somewhere £10

    Thank you very much

  2. Hello all, I am new here.

    I need to get a dsar from the Halifax and although there are loads of addresses to choose from, I wondered if anyone on this site knows the right address to send my application to.

    I found one, but it could be very old, which is 


    Charlton Place (C43)

    Charlton Road



    SP10 1RE


    I tried to do it on line, but the link is not there anymore.

    Any ideas about application would be really helpful as well as I haven't had to do this sort of thing before.

    Thank you very much

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