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Posts posted by MummyMC

  1. Naaaaaw thanx again guys....Yes it is a huge relief...How scary was that...It was held in a Magistrates Court too which didn't help matters. They did try and calm me by saying that it was only being held there as they had no where else to do it..!!

    Anyway, I am even more relieved now thanx to you guys and I know I don't have to send notes in etc....Will I get back paid for the time I have been on Assessment rate does anyone know..?? I haven't even received 'cold weather payments' while I have been waiting..???

    Cheers I will treat myself as suggested ...Maybe a curry delivery is on store ;-)

  2. I made it to the tribunal and won !!! I got put into the 'support' group and am waiting confirmation....It was very very daunting but am glad I went. My Hubby went with me (as he goes everywhere with me ) OK my next question...Whats the support group in simple terms...I am no good at reading and making sense of things so plain and simple please...

    Thanx for all you advise guys I am really glad I went now ;-))

  3. OK thanx a million guys...I had to go to a tribunral hearing to get my DLA decision changed too a few years back and it sounds very similar to that...OK I will be going if I have more change of getting a positive result it has to be worth it...I am hoping they have shot themselves in the foot to be honest by admitting that I cannot visit 'familiar' places on my own and yet I can still work...Its a joke really...

    Again many thanx and I will let you know how it goes...My hearing is not until 23rd March so fingers crossed...

    Thanx again xx

  4. Hope someone can give me some good advice here please...


    I have recieved my hearing date and was wondering if I will be expected to attend..?? They state that if I do not attend then the tribuneral will decide the appeal in my absence...? Do I have to go..??


    Also...I was given 9 points at my assessment due to me not being able to get to an familiar place without being accompanied by another person...Yet they state I am fit for work..???? Can anyone tell me a job where the employer will allow me to take someone with me everyday to accompany me due to my mental health problems..??? I do not go anywhere alone EVER !!

    I also suffer severe dermatitus and excema of the hands and find preparing a meal and personal care a nightmare...They haven't taken any of this into account...


    Any help and advice on anything I can put in writing to be used as evidence for the tribuneral to see...???


    Any advice grately recieved...I am finding this all a real headache....

    Thanx ;-))

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