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Posts posted by alex1066

  1. I am unable to do that as I have no way of hiding my information. They are basically saying I have defaulted a payment of £149. But EOS are demading £164 now as they keep adding to it.

    This is what is peeing me off as I have written to curvissa for an explanation but they chose to ignore my questions and just replied 'your account is in serious default' even when I sent copies of the email that said account closed. It's incredibly frustrating. So basically they have ignored me completey and ruined my credit score which was very good. It now says very poor due to this one thing.

    And to top my day off not one of the 3 solicitors i have rang today can be bothered to return a call. AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH :-x

  2. Hi, thank you so much for the replies, the cheeky buggers have added it to my credit file with experian. What do i do now then? How do i go about suing them?


    I wrote to an address in sheffield 1 amberley strret, that the address curvissa told me to write to. I never get anything back from them other than threats and demands. This really is making me quite ill with my nerves.


    what exactly do I write to them, wording etc? do i let them know I intend to sue them for defamation or do i apply straight to the courts. :(

  3. Hi, I have written to the catalogue company 3 times, sent numerous emails, but they just ignore my questions and the fact I have proof that I owe nothing and the fact that I have an email stating my account was closed.

    They just refuse to acknowledge anything.


    Today I received another letter from EOS giving me 7 days to pay up or they will start court proceedings or the other options are a visit from a debt collector or they will pass on my ficticious debt onto someone else.


    I feel like I am going mad and getting nowhere

  4. I had a catalogue account last year, my last item was purchasd and paid for in July. They then added interest to a balance of nil which i then complained about, they apologised and closed my account as requested by myself. I have an email from the company to prove this, also I have a bank statement clearly showing my last payments made to them.


    I then started getting letters saying I owe them £75 plus £12 late payment fee. So I wrote to them with copies of bank statement and email to prove my account was closed and that I owed nothing.


    Many letters and emails later with them completely ignoring my request for an explanation I get a letter from EOS debt collectors threatening me to cough up or else. Oh and they are now demading £149


    I am getting sick and tired of trying to explain myself to complete inept morons who refuse to accept the fault is with them.


    My account is still live as they have failed to actually close it and according to my account the last order I made was in May 2012, when in fact it was july. 2012. My point being they do not actually know what they are doing as no one has corrected my account.


    Any advice would be appreciated as what to do next.

    Do I ignore them?

    Do I reply and continue going grey with worry trying to explain the situation?



    Alex :!:

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