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Posts posted by Danie11

  1. I have a contract with VPS, through a company called Wish Communications. I am paying over £229 a month for 3 working SIM cards instead of £90, no phones included. When I took out the contract, Wish promised us that we would get a similar discount in year 2 but this was mis-leading.I have complained till i am blue in the face, no one seems to care that I cannot pay this amount a month. I owe Vodafone over £800 and they have disconnected my phones. They are keeping my numbers as well. They will charge me over £2500 disconnection fees and Wish will charge me £1250!. I am on working tax credit and I simply can't pay those astronomical amounts.


    I want to know if Vodafone will take me to court or will they transfer the debt to a debt collecting agency? I would like it to go to court so that we can explain that a great injustice took place. How could we avoid these disconnecting charges? If Vodafone disconnected my phones, will they still be able to claim the rest of the contract?


    I have also complained about the reception. My texts were being charged 4x because each time I resent them, I was charged again. All my texts are short and I do not attach any pictures. I am also being charged for Bolt on £5 per phone, and I do not know what these are. Wish have washed their hands and do not want to help. I could n't use my phone for talking either. My usage was so small, it is laughable! I used less than hour per month from the 3000 mins that I was given. I did not need all those minutes. The salesman conned us and we can't reduce those minutes either.


    This type of selling was done to a number of people in South Wales and we are all really suffering as a result. It is still being used.


    Please help Lee. Thanks.

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