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Posts posted by jas1984

  1. Hi i am currently on maternity leave due and due in 2 weeks time!!my employer is consolidating the business and therefore closing down a store in the city i work in,although this is not my store all 4 managers in that city are being asked to reapply for thier jobs the unsucessful candidate will subsequently be 'at risk of redundancy'.my employer is asking me to interview for my role next week which i feel is unreasonable as i am so close to my expected due date and on mat leave.I have spoken to acas who have informed me that i should be offered a suitable alternative role IF there is one available to me.However i am also informed i do not need to interview for a role i already do.My company is trying to railroad me into an interview and i believe this is down to my pregnancy and there need to save money(as my sucess would mean i can complete my mat leave whilst someone else is paid to cover my role too)PLEASE help


    confused and stressed

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