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Posts posted by kriket1

  1. what i will do is send u a full complaint via pm and then once you approve i will send it to OFT. For now, my priority is to send in a new monthly payment plan with a lower amount by today so they wont have an excuse that i am delaying anything. What do u think about my above to-the-point plan?



    (by full complaint i meant date, times and the whole shabang. but for now i need to reach an agreement with them.)

  2. I am trying my best to not attend their call. I have made several complaints over the past month. But now when they call my parents landline (though i admit i have to enter their landline number as their online account asks for one. BUT they do have my mobile!) and the number is a local number of the area where I live and not 08XX, what choice do i have. Still i tried my best to not reach an agreement over the phone. They kept insisting, once i reach it over the phone, I will receive an email then confirming my monthly payment amount. If she rings tomorrow, I am just going to tell her that if she doesnt reply to my email and persists on calling, I will lodge another complaint. But TBH what can i do? Already made the complaints.


    I keep telling them that I have already made complaints against them but they they keep insisting if i dont want to deal over the phone then interest will keep adding. I told her its only adding cos they havent replied to my proposed plan for a month. She said well she is contacting me now cos of that repayment plan.



    I have already done the CPA as you advised with my bank.

    My plan now is:

    To get a new payment plan agreed to at a reduced monthly payment of say £20/month.


    Hence, I told them i will send a new repayment plan today after discussing this with an advisor. I told them I need to reach an agreement via email and not phone. I know the advisor bit was my failure but she was willing to accept my old repayment plan at around £150/month payments but I wanted to propose a NEW plan at £30/month as now we know they are going to mark the credit file anyways with "payment arrangement". She did say if I dont deal with her now, interest is going to accrue further. I told her its only accruing cos they havent replied to my proposed plan for a month and she has caught me at a wrong time and I cant just agree on anything without going over it so what difference will a day make when they havent replied to my plan for a month. She said well she is contacting me now cos of that repayment plan. I told her I will only be repaying the original amount i owed until i sent in my repayment plan and not any interest accrued on it during the days wonga failed to reply. Anyway, she didnt say anything, just kept quoting the amount i need to repay (including the illegally accrued interest) and just kept insisting i start repayment now to prevent further accrual.


    Like i said, plan is to send in a new repayment plan and not get the old one agreed to now. I am thinking about sending in a £20/ motnh mini-to-the-point email stating thats all i can afford.


    "my circumstances have changed as I am currently seeking employment. I am in the process of going to a debt management plan however, I wondered if you would be so kind to accept a repayment offer with myself. I believe the repayment from a debt management would offer you 10 pound per month and I am wondering if you will accept 30 pound per month on the loan. I will increase these £30 monthly payments as soon as I find employment. "


    Hopefully, they will accept it via email. If they dont, I will record the phone conversation fully. What do you think?

  3. need your help now guys. Wonga again contacted me via phone. It was a local number so didnt know it was them. Googled the number before picking up, nothing. Answered it and was surprised it was wonga. Anyways, same story. They are willing to agree to any amount of monthly payment obviously. But she said that "your credit record will obviously say something like a "payment arrangement" was made. Credit record has to say something. It wont say you defaulted on your loan. It will say we reached a payment arrangement as it has to say something and its a good thing as it shows you made regular payments". Bloddy hell. I told her I would pay £150 per month if my credit record didnt say anything and she said she will be happy to accept £150/m but they credit record has to say something. I told her i would get back to her later today via email as i need to get some advise first.


    So basically, if "payment arrangement" is just as bad why would I want to go out of my way to ask family and friends to contribute to the loan payments when my credit record wont be saved anyways. Its the same as defaulting only you end up paying everything and it still implied you defaulted. I am thinking about making just £20/month payments now just like others on this forum. At least I can afford that on my own without getting others involved to just fill Wonga's pockets for nothing.


    I told her I paid a lot of interest on my last loan as well and probably had paid wonga much more than I had owed in the first place but nothing worked and the credit file "has to say something and payment arrangement is a good thing".


    So pls advise how to proceed now. She probabaly has put something like "willing to pay £150/month" on the file and maybe when they contect me again, they will ask for that. But I m going to reject it and say I can only afford £20/month.

    I didnt sign anything or didnt agree to any arragement yet so am entitled to "recalculate" my expenses/income so to speak.


    [before you say anything, i tired to ask her to contact me via email only but she wouldnt hang up and was very polite. She said "tell me your terms and I will deal with them now" and had to be polite as well and told her what i wanted and that i still need a written email confirmation. Hopefully, i didnt make any mistakes. Its been over a month and i want to get it resolved quickly].

  4. I have been trying to get the CPA revoked over the phone (recording the conversation and asking written confirmation via mail), but it seems Natwest know nothing about CPA. CS asked her supervisor and after several holds, they transfered me to Visa debit resolution team. what the heck?


    I am going to the branch today. My question is can I go to any natwest branch or do i need to go to my registered branch? (my registered branch is a little far away and there is another natwest branch thats a little closer)

  5. apologise if I wasnt clear. They said its best to cancel the card and has sent me a new debit card. They said it would be best to wait 48hrs just in case. I thought it was better because then there would be no confusion later and my card expires soon anyway (just a couple months left).


    PS - I am worried that my details may have been passed on to other payday lenders as I have been getting a lot of junk mail. So for security reasons I chose to go that route of cancelling the card instead.


    Hopefull, with two days my card with wonga will be cancelled and they wont be taking any money unless they respond to my complaints. And after two days, i will be able to use my bank account to pay my usual direct debit bills (without wonga taking that money as well).

  6. renegade, is it too much to ask them to not mark my credit record if I were to pay them over £100 per month for 6 months for a loan amount of £450 and the total i owed was 650? At least they could have said either yes or no. Even if they had said no, I would have understood. But there is no bloody response and I get harassed by their mail and phone calls. Seems they are not in the least bit worried about any complaints I make. I told them I am complaining to OFT and CAB. No response. Been a week. And here I thought they were getting investigated by OFT and taking complaints seriously. They do say on their site, that legally they have 2 months to respond. Thats all well and good if for two months the interest wasnt 4000%.


    And how to get them to stop sending mail every two days? nothing seems to be working

  7. renegade, wonga just seems to keep proposing newer repayment plans with bigger monthly payments as the interest on the account continues to accrue while they delay replying to the previous repayment plan that was being negotiated.


    The email is from the same dept. I am dealing with now customercare@wonga.


    I am thinking of replying again and saying I am not going to pay a penny more than the initial amount I owe, since it is their fault that we havent reached an agreement in nearly 3 weeks. How can they keep proposing newer repayment plan when I had already accepted their last one and am just waiting on them to send a written response to the terms.


    I am worried as my complaints are not being answered and the interest will spiral completely out of control by the time they get their act together and I may then find it difficult to reach an agreement for a lower sum.


    PLease advise how to go about it now. Complaints are not doing the job, interest keeps accruing, repayment plan not being responded to. What a mess. I want them to stop sending letters to my house. They havent. I told them this is harrassment and I lodged an official complaint. Complaint email was sent to all three of their depts. a week ago.


    What a mess.

  8. You can write to wonga and revoke all permission for them to debit your card/account. Under law they must comply. However, it is much easier writing a letter to your bank. Don't worry about being ashamed. It is NONE of your banks business what you do with your money. They are there to keep hold of it until you need it. Thats all.

    I see. Can i do this with my bank via online banking. I dont have phone banking yet. But you have put me on the right track. I will try to do some research.

  9. understood. I will wait two days then get their bank details etc. Waiting 2 days cos I want to resolve it with them so they will stop the "hijack" of my account. Basically, they are taking anything I have in my bank account.



    do u know how i can stop them from charging my debit cards (they have 2 cards). I dont want to involve the bank cos my account balance is near 0 cos of wonga taking everything i deposit and I feel a little ashamed. IF it were direct debit, i would have cancelled it via online banking but how do i deal with cards. This is the main reason I want to resolve it with them first so my bank accounts become usable again.

  10. thing is I already did when you told me to make the complaints last time. seems like no one cares. they proposed a repayment plan i m sort of happy with so just trying to get that agreed to for the time being without looking stupid trying to make complaint after complaint. but it really is depressing that they are taking before just to reply yes or no and always want me to call when i tell them I am serious about only receiving an email reply. Will wait a day or two and then see where we are.

  11. just wanted to update since its been a few days - well exchanged many emails with wonga. Basically, they asked me to call, I told them I need a reply in writing (email). Dont know why its so hard for them to fathom. I told them that they are using delay tactics and its been nearly 3 weeks and this still hasnt been resolved. Complained one more time but still waiting. Hopefully, this time they will realise that to reach an agreement they will have to first agree on the terms in writing. Really disappointed that it has taken so many email to get this across, yet it seems they still dont get it.

  12. ---------BIG UPDATE--------


    Bloody mess. Good news and bad. First the good news. Wonga really doesnt know its head from its tail. I was contacted by customercare@wonga and offered a plan of less than what I myself had offered. Not much less but a £100 makes a huge difference to me atm. I emailed back asking for a written email response that my credit record wont be marked, etc (since I have to assume that this dept.) doesnt know anything about my own repayment plan. In any case, I am going to follow with their plan from now on. So while I am still waiting for customercare@wonga reply, collections@wonga keep replying (not automated) and asking me to pay, but the bad news is they keep replying to an email which even predates my own repayment plan (that email where i ask for extension unfortunately). I am ignoring it since I am dealing with customercare@wonga now and also cos collections has my others emails, namely repayment plan one and many complaints mentioning OFT, etc and they havent replied to them at all. Even assessment@wonga has the. Guess its not such a bad news but hopefully, the "new" repayment plans terms are met by all deptartments and I want to pay customercare@wonga plan and that requires me to deposit £120 to my account. But I am afraid that collections@wonga might take it automatically from my account as their recent email indicates as much (that they will keep on trying). So I plan to get the credit record thingy agreed to with customercare@wonga and then plan to ask them to contact collections@wonga and ask them to stop automated withdrawals from my account.


    Hopefully, all will fall into place and we will reach an agreement (with all depts.).


    Really, really appreciate your help renegade. Cant stress it enough.

  13. @renegadeimp - wonga keeps calling me even though I explicitly asked them for a written reply in each email. They just called me twice withi a few hours and I didnt pick it up cos I was busy with other things and never pick up numbers i dont recognise especially if they are from a different area code. I googled the number and it was wonga. My question is - what do i tell them if they ring again? I would tell them to communicate in writing (email) but their collection team always seems to insist that the best way to deal with the matter is on the phone. They have also been sending multiple letters to my home. Two in the past 4 days or so. So I had sent an email this morning again to two of their departments, assements and collection, stating I would contact OFT if they dont stop sending those letter, automated calls and texts every day as I had already done my part and am waiting for their response. Seems like these phone calls have been a reaction to that email. However, I want to deal with them via email but they keep calling. What to do?

  14. Not to mention they have cleaned my account to the last penny. I expected them to try taking money from the account - as much as they could - but never expected them to try taking fivers. The little cash I have I am not keeping it in the account as they would take every last penny. I have to pay bills at the end of the month and hoping I can pay it via another account (savings) but it really is tedious since had they replied by now, i would have paid the initial amount without worrying about them taking even pennies from my account. Of course, its all automated on their part so I understand that, but what I dont understand is their two week delay in replying to my repayment plan being a payday loan company who charges interest by the hour.

  15. thanks renegade. What sort of a complaint do I need to make to the OFT? I was hoping to wait for wonga and then get me assessment plan agreed to. If they were going to stress on paying the extra "interest" my account is accumulating, I was going to then lodge a complaint with OFT. For now, I havent sent another email requesting their reply. Would you believe it has been 15 days since I proposed my repayment plan.

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