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Posts posted by falsenewyorker

  1. Hello there,


    I have been just over £500 in debt with Wonga, and I'm about a month in arrears. I wasn't able to pay them back because I had to leave my job and home due to depression and move from Carlisle to Leeds to live with my parents. So I am now on Job Seeker's Allowance.


    Wonga have stopped interest on my account, and did so when I emailed them really early when I lost my job. I have been trying to email them constantly to arrange a payment plan, unfortunately I can only afford around £20 a month due to a lot of other debts. It's taken them about a month to email back, after lots of emails sent from me, and they just sent a generic email linking me to the Financial Assessment form, which I filled out but they declined my offer of £20 a month and said they can only accept a minimum monthly payment of around £113. Which is way out of what I can afford.


    I've heard bad things from ringing Payday Loan companies and emailing them has been so slow. Does anybody have any help on what I can do? I need to get this debt sorted, I have organised payment plans for all of my other debt creditors except one other (Three) and I do not want to become subject to depression again.


    Thank you.

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