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Posts posted by Highwaygirl

  1. I can say that there has never been any email renewing any contract within all the time I had been with them, only an email about monthly bill so they were lying to you. I was a customer of Supanet for 12 years. Service was ok, not fast but ok. I was originally on unlimited broadband £11.99 a month. When they got taken over by a Cyprus company they upped it instantly to £17.99. I stayed as it was unlimited and seemed easier than swapping. Then it went totally crazy. I was called to say usage exceeded but was only a curtesy call to warn me (since when was my unlimted package capped?) however I let it go but the monthly bill shot up (so much for it was only a curtesy call). After some months I was thinking to stop and find another ISP when they phoned to offer a phone and broadband package. It sounded ok so I agreed. OMG what a mistake! Contract came, wrong deal. Phoned up, ok will send another. Wrong again. Phoned (long time on 0845 hold) 3rd contract wrong again. Then date of phoneline changeover came, from BT to Supanet, call quality dropped 50%, could hear clicks and dialling as if I was sharing a line with 20 people. Then phone went completely. Caller display disappeared, 1571 service disappeared. Phone line dead! Broadband dead! I called technical help from another house, they were SO rude. In fact all the customer service people (and I spoke to many) were unhelpful. The tech guy actually said, well I dont know whats wrong and by the way you have a new phone number, I dont want a new number I said, well you have one anyway he said! Can try and get yours back but no promises.' Then said 'and youre not going to like this but I dont know when your broadband will be back on either'. I asked lots of times for explainations why I had no broadband and why contracts were always wrong, and to speak to managers as advised on their own customer charter pdf. I was told, managers are ALL busy in meetings and anyway they dont come to the phone. I was promised (actual word used) one guy would call me back in 10 minutes after checking account. 2 hrs later sitting by the phone - no call. I called (loooooooong time on hold) another person said oh, he shouldnt have said he would call you back. I finally wrote to the headquarters (couldnt face another phone call)saying I am cancelling. I had lost money over Christmas as I sell from home and if anyone wanted to pursue any contract obligations, I would sue them for loss of earnings. As far as I am concerned they did not provide me with any service to pay for. Broadband went down beginning Dec and never came back. I have now switched to BT. My call to get MAC code went as you can expect! YOU CANT LEAVE, you are in a contract!! (oh btw they issued me with contract no4 after last call! I didnt even order anything!) I would like to think this is now over but I have just checked my online billing and guess what?!!! I am over £50 in debt and on the bill are 2 phonelines!!!! They are seriously crazy.I have cancelled the direct debit but remains to be seen what their next move is. Stay away. They are ok so long as you dont mind them having full control and heaven help you if you have a problem. BT in comparison were angels of mercy on the phone. Helpful, knowledgable and respectful.

    ps a friend of mine was also with Supanet, when they stopped they agreed to pay £10 a year to keep email address. Meantime they keep trying to charge £10 a month!

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