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Posts posted by DebtInsomnia

  1. Hi,


    I hope someone can help me.


    I had a visit from a man claiming to be collecting an unpaid court fine for no tv licence.


    This was the first I was aware of any court case or problem etc.

    the man told me to ring 'them' to sort it and handed me a letter which was headed with Philips.


    I wrote to tv licence and to Philips stating I knew nothing about any case so could they provide me with details.


    It has taken weeks for either to reply,


    Philips disregarded my letter a d have said I've made no attempt to contact them

    and tv licence have said as the court have issued the fine they can't change it so its tough.


    What do I do?


    I'm so worried about them breaking in to my house,


    I'm disabled and have two children one of who, is also disabled so I really don't need this stress.


    I have told tv licence lot and Philips now known as collectica to contact each other

    as I am not wasting anymore money on postage

    and enquiries for something I know nothing about.


    Oh and tv licence lot have also given two completely different reasons as to why I got a fine,


    the first was someone attended and I admitted to using a tv with no licence


    only problem with this is the date they are saying ist happened I was at a hospital appointment.


    The second excuse as no one can agree how I apparently got caught was a detector van.


    Any help on what I can do to correct this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

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